C H A P T E R 14

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Ja: "It's really embarrassing. I had to pee, so I went to the toilet and when I walked back to my room, I wasn't feeling well all of a sudden and I puked all over myself and I guess I fainted, because I only remember waking up here. Luckily I had my phone with me and I immediately messaged you guys. I'm sorry, it's so embarrassing"
Y/N: "That's horrible. It isn't embarrassing, you couldn't do anything about it. It can happen to the best"
I said smiling at him.
Wow, that's actually so sad and horrible, it could've end really, really bad.
Y/N: "Can you try to get up? I'll help you"
After a while, he finally got up. I could tell he was in a lot of pain and it hurt to see him like that. But he tried his best to stay strong and do things on his own, even though I wouldn't let him. I threw his arm over my shoulder, so I could support him.
Ja: "No, don't. Ahh too late, Y/n now there's puke on your shirt too"
Y/N: "I don't care, I want to help you as much as I can. And I can wash my clothes"
He sighed. I walked with him to his room and sat him down on a chair. I walked to his bathroom and let the water fill the tub.
Y/N: "The water is running, let's get you puke free and have a nice, warm bath"
I helped him take his shirt and joggers off, not his boxers of course. He almost couldn't move.
Y/N: "Gosh, you're like a big baby, you can't even take your shirt off on your own"
I said laughing.
Ja: "I'm sorryyy"
Y/N: "It's okay, I was just joking"
I looked at his leg and side of his body.
Y/N: "Did you fall on your side?"
Ja: "I guess so"
Y/N: "Yeah, I can see that, it's already blue"
I gave him some medicine to feel better and a glass of water. I went back to the bathroom and made the bath ready.
Y/N: "It's ready"
I slowly walked him to the bathroom. He carefully got in the bath, without falling.
Y/N: "Just relax and clean yourself a bit, call me if you're done or need anything"
Ja: "Thanks, where are you going?"
Y/N: "Clean up your dirty puke in the hallway"
I said grinning, leaning against the door post.
Ja: "Oh. No, you don't have to do that. I'll do it later"
Y/N: "No, I'm going to do it now, because one, it'll get grosser and grosser if it lays there long and two, you can't clean it up, you can't even take your own fucking socks off"
I said laughing.
Ja: "Okay, yeah, you're right. But it's just gross and it's my puke, I don't want you to do that"
I shrugged.
Y/N: "Someone has to do it, I don't mind, it's okay"
Jack sighed.
Ja: "Why are you doing all of this? I literally fucked up so bad and I'm really sorry for that, but you still help me. I appreciate it, like a lot, but why?"
I sighed deeply.
Y/N: "Look, we were both wrong and I'm sorry too, let's just forgive each other and forget about it"
He nodded in agreement and I smiled.
Y/N: "And why? Because I care about you and I don't want you to feel bad. So if I can make you feel better, I'll will do everything to help you"
Ja: "You really don't have to do that. Thank you so much and I'm sorry"
Y/N: "It's fine"
I said smiling at him, he kindly returned it.
Y/N: "Well, you're puke is waiting for me, enjoy your bath and yell if you need something"
I said as I walked out of the bathroom.
Ja: "Right, I'm sorry!"
He yelled after me.
Y/N: "It's fine!"
I yelled back. I quickly cleaned everything up and let me tell you it was pretty gross. I'm not a fan of puke, at all, but if I waited longer it would become much grosser. I got some messages in the groupchat again.

This one: 'Y/n?'
This one: 'Everything alright?'
This one: 'Y/N?!'
Chris: 'Is he okay now?'
Lau: 'I hope so'
Leooo: 'I think Y/n can handle it and otherwise we probably already heard from her. Don't worry too much'
This one: 'I know, but I'm just worried, I hope they're okay'
This one: 'What if he got a tantrum again and they fought or something?'
Dani: 'Come on, Zach, don't think like that, please'
This one: 'I don't want to think about it, but I mean, you never know. I don't think i happened, but still'
Mr. Coffee: 'They'll be fine, they'll inform us soon'
Mr. Coffee: 'How did your test go Lau?'
This one: 'Yeah, was it hard?'
Lau: 'Actually pretty good :)'
This one: 'Nice'
Mr. Coffee: 'Good job'
Y/N: 'Everything under control, guys. Don't worry, he's sort of okay now :)'
Corbean: 'Thank god'
Dani: 'See? Everything's alright, Zach'
Mr. Coffee: 'Thanks Y/n'
This one: 'Wait, what do you mean 'sort of okay' ?'
Y/N: 'He puked, fainted and fell down, but he's alright now. I bet it hurts, but I'm with him now, so nothing will happen again'
This one: 'Okay, thank you so much'
Y/N: 'Anytime'

I realized that there was puke all over my clothes, not much, but it wasn't really nice. I didn't have any spare clothes with me or in this apartment, so I decided to go through the boys' closets, trying to find a appropriate hoodie to cover everything. Zach and Jack, both pretty short, great. Luckily I was really short too, so every hoodie would still be long for me. I went through Jacks closet first. There was enough choice. I chose a nice hoodie and put it on, it fits like a dress, this was perfect. And it smells like him, so that's a plus too. I honestly don't want to take it off, ever. I didn't ask if I could borrow a hoodie, but I was sure he would be fine with it, otherwise I had to walk around in a shirt with a puke stain on it. I wasn't going to do that, so I didn't even care if he didn't agree, I'm wearing this hoodie, no buts.
Ja: "Oh and some boxers too, maybe?!"
He said a bit embarrassed. He probably thought all of this was awkward, but I just want to help him, so I didn't think about it.
Y/N: "SURE!"
I said laughing.
I already saw all of it while I was searching for my outfit, so I quickly grabbed everything for him and walked to the bathroom. I knocked on the door, opened it a bit and threw his clothes through it.
Y/N: "Can you get out of the tub on your own?"
Ja: "Yeah, I'm already out"
Y/N: "Good, well, I'm not going to help you with getting dressed"
I said laughing.
Ja: "Ha ha, funny. You might have to, though. I can't put my hoodie on without hurting myself"
I laughed.
Ja: "But maybe I'm not even going to put one on, because I think I'm going sleep for a bit"
Y/N: "Ahh sucks for you, your hoodies are comfy"
Ja: "Yes they are. Wait? How do you know?!"
I giggled.
Ja: "Y/nnn, what did you do?!"

To be continued...

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