C H A P T E R 26

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*Jacks P. O. V*
Cindy just told her story and it sounded frightening real. I could feel that everyone was affected by this one. We got scared a few more times. After a few minutes someone came up from behind. We all jumped and looked back at the figure. But I noticed something different.
Ja: "Where's Y/n?"
M: "Huh? Wow, I thought that she was still behind me. She was with us when Cindy came, I don't know after that"
T: "Guess they took her out of our group"
Lu: "Oh shit, she's going to scare us for a real one. She would do anything to see our faces"
He said laughing. I guess they were right. We walked further, met some characters, got scared and finally walked out of the woods. We heard someone scream when we walked out and all looked at each other. We quickly walked back to the main building. When we were almost there I realized Y/n didn't scare us in the tour.
Ja: "Wasn't Y/n supposed to scare us?"
Lucas shrugged.
Lex: "Maybe she's already back here"
We walked in and I searched for our group. I sat down next to Zach and looked around for Y/n. She wasn't here.
Teacher: "Okay guys, everyone be quiet please! You guys can meet all of the actors if you want, they're here. Without make-up this time. You can ask them questions and thank them"
All the actors walked in and I was hoping Y/n would be with them, but I still didn't see her.
Ja: "Did Y/n come back early?"
Z: "No, why?"
We walked to the actors. Cindy and Harper were next to each other. I walked over to them.
Ja: "Hello"
C: "Hi"
H: "Oh hey, you're the one with the curls"
I laughed a bit.
Ja: "Jup that's me. Wow, it's weird to see you guys without the costume and makeup what are your names?"
C: "We actually all use our own names. And yeah, I can imagine that, we're totally different people with and without"
H: "Hmh, that's true. Did you like the tour?"
Ja: "Yes I did! It was so scary, but you guys did really well. And oh my god your story was so realistic"
I said to Cindy.
C: "Thank you"
H: "We try"
Ja: "Hey, I have a quick question for you. Did you see my friend? She wasn't with us after, we think, Cindy's story. So you probably took her out, but she didn't scare us in the tour and she isn't here or with you guys. Her name is Y/n, you told her that she would be great friends if she joined you ghosts"
H: "Oh that girl. I remember her, I liked her, she had a bit of an additude and wasn't that scared. But we didn't bring anyone here after we were done"
C: "Samuel!"
S: "Yes"
The guy who played a vampire walked over to us.
C: "Did you take anyone out of the last group?"
S: "No. Not from the last group. Why?"
H: "He can't find his friend and thought that she was with us. But you didn't take her out"
S: "No bro, I'm sorry"
Ja: "Thanks, I'll ask the teachers"
I asked everyone if they saw Y/n. No one saw her after that my group left to start the tour. I walked over to a teacher. Our PE teacher, he's a really chill guy.
Ja: "Hey Mr. Wilson, I have a question"
W: "Hi bud, what's up"
Ja: "Did you see Y/n? I can't find her anywhere and no one has seen her after the tour"
W: "Uhmm no, I didn't see her. Let's check the list to see if we have everyone though"
I nodded.
Everyone got quiet.
W: "Thank you. I'll quickly check if everybody is here, because maybe we're missing someone. So please be quiet and let's do this quick. Just say yes if you hear your name"
He started yelling every single name on the list. Three people were missing. Two were in the restroom, but Mr. Wilson ticked them off later, because he saw them walking in the room. Y/n wasn't here, neither in the restroom. I started to worry now. We were back for almost 45 minutes now and she still wasn't here.
W: "Okay listen everyone! We're missing one student. Y/n Y/l/n. You can go to sleep if you didn't see her after her group left the building to start the tour. If you saw her after that, come to me. I want her group here too"
Almost everyone left. It was only my tourgroup and our friend group, probably because they want to know what is going on. Mike stayed too, I didn't know why, probably waiting for Tiffany. The actors were in the building too, same as some teachers.
W: "Okay where did you see Y/n for the last time?"
M: "Cindy's story"
Lu: "Yup same"
Tiffany nodded. I grabbed my phone and searched a picture of Y/n.
Ja: "This is her. Did you see her? I know it was dark, but maybe you recognize her"
Jacob: "I definitely did"
H: "Yes for sure"
Some other actors said that they saw her.
A: "I saw her too"
C: "One hundred procent, she was the last one in the row"
H: "Who's the first one after Cindy?"
C: "I think Ian and then Samuel"
I: "I don't think I saw her, but I am a character for a quick scare so I don't really look at people. Can I see the picture again?"
He studied the picture.
W: "Can the people who were with her in the group stand here. Maybe it helps"
I: "I don't think I saw her. I know i saw you, you and you"
He said pointing to Lucas, me and Tiffany.
S: "I didn't see her. I know it for sure. I'm the one who picks people out and I only counted five people and that was too little to pick one or two out. And I remember that you were the last one in the row"
He pointed at Megan.
The actors who came after Samuel all said they didn't see her.
Ja: "Okay I'm panicking right now! WHERE IS SHE?!"
D: "Calm down, we'll find her"
Ja: "You guys have her! You picked her out! THE ZOMBIE EVEN SAID THAT SHE WOULD BE PICKED OUT"
I stepped closer to the actors, tears brimming in my eyes. I was scared, worried. Maybe this tour was just a trick to kidnap people.
Z: "Jack come on, they didn't do it. Deep breaths, calm down"
He said as he pulled me back.
Z: "Sorry, he still has some aggression problems"
He said quietly to the actors.
T: "The scream"
We all looked at her.
She looked me in the eyes and I immediately knew what she meant.
Lex: "Did one of you actors scream when we exited the forest?"
A: "Jacob and I heard a scream too. It was weird because it sounded like it came from the woods and we knew that you guys were on the outside of the woods"
H: "I heard that too. It sounded like a girl. I asked the others, but none of us screamed"
Ja: "Fuck, it was her"

To be continued...

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