C H A P T E R 8

41 3 0

I stopped in the doorway. Shocked because of what I was seeing. A broken mirror, little pieces everywhere. Jack, his arm covered in blood. A chair, laying under the hole in the wall that it just made. Lastly Zach, full of fear, frustration and disappointment. I couldn't move, I was so shocked. What happened here? What did Jack do? Was he okay? I snapped back into reality. Zach was by Jacks side, asking him if he was okay and what happened. I narrowed my eyes in confusion as I saw Jacks reaction. Jack pushed him away forcefully. Not standing stable on his legs.
He screamed to his best friend. What was he doing? It looked like he was drunk or something.
Z: "Jack, you're not fine at all! You're sleepwalking! Wake up!"
Y/N: "What?"
I said quietly, more to myself , but I guess Zach heard it, because he turned around. I saw that he almost forgot that I was here.
Z: "I'm sorry, he's sleep walking and having a tantrum"
Ja: "LET ME GO!"
He screamed because Zach was trying to wake him up. It was so weird, you could see that Jack was angry, but he didn't scream really loud, because he was still sleeping. He tried fighting Zach and was breathing heavily. He didn't have any power or energy, while he tried to push Zach off of him.
Z: "Jack, calm down"
Ja: "Stop"
Z: "Look at me. Calm down, everything is okay, there's nothing to be angry about"
Ja: "But there is! I messed up"
Z: "No, you didn't"
Ja: "I did, she hates me. I don't have a chance anymore"
What was he talking about?
Z: "Jack! Calm. Down. Sit down on your bed, please"
All of a sudden he snapped back into reality and woke up. He looked so confused and didn't remember what happened. Zach hugged him thight. This was by far the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
Ja: "What the heck happened here? What did you do, Zach?!"
He said as he looked around.
Ja: "Ouch!"
He grabbed his own hand and looked at the blood.
Ja: "Did I do this?!"
Z: "Yes, you were sleepwalking again and I think you got a tantrum"
He said sighing.
Ja: "Again?! It looks way worse this time"
He looked around one more time.
Ja: "Auch my hand hurts"
Y/N: "Zach, where's the first aid kit?"
They both looked in my direction.
Ja: "Y/n?! Ohh u-uh h-hi"
Y/N: "Hey"
Zach was just looking at us.
Y/N: "Zach? Bandage? His hand doesn't heal itself"
Z: "Oh, right! Be right back"
He said as he ran out of the room.
Y/N: "Are you okay?"
I asked as I walked over to Jack.
Ja: "Yeah, I'm fine"
He said as he looked down.
Y/N: "Does this happen often?"
Ja: "It happened once. This is the second time"
Ja: "B-but can we please not talk about it? It's..."
He didn't finish his sentence and sighed. Searching for the right words to complete the sentence. I didn't give him any time, because I already knew what he was going to say.
Y/N: "Don't be embarrassed, please. It's not your fault. It can happen to anyone. I won't judge you"
I smiled at him.
Ja: "Thanks"
Y/N: "I-i'm sorry about what happened in the canteen"
Ja: "I'm sorry too"
Y/N: "Zach isn't really helping by being this slow"
I looked at the door. Zach still wasn't back.
Y/N: "Can I look at it?"
I said as I nodded my head to his hand. He held his hand out.
I gently grabbed his hand and looked at the cuts that the glass pieces made.
There was one pretty big cut and a few smaller ones. The bleeding decreased, but it was still bleeding a bit.
Y/N: "Omg, Jack. This is pretty serious. Are you sure you are okay? You don't have to play tough in front of me"
I looked up at him and immediately stared into the hazel brown eyes.
Y/N: "Be honest, please"
I was still holding his hand, I didn't mind, I don't think he did either. He sighed and shrugged.
Ja: "It hurts a bit, but it'll get better"
He tried to smile. I sighed. What was Zach doing?
A few seconds later Zach entered the room with the little box.
Y/N: "Thank you"
I took care of the wound and I could see Jack was hurt during it, but he tried to stay tough.
Y/N: "Now, get some rest"
Ja: "No, I don't want to go to sleep. What if it happens again?!"
Y/N: "Jack, I can see that you're tired and you have to go to sleep eventually. You can not never sleep again. And we're here, so you'll be safe"
He sighed.
Y/N: "Please Jack, trust me. It won't happen again. Just try to sleep while we clean this"
Ja: "Okay, fine. But where? My room is covered in glass"
Z: "You can sleep in my bed"
Ja: "Thanks"
Jack went to Zachs room and Zach and I cleaned the mess. Guess Zach and I were meant to be cleaning buddies or something. Cleaning at school, at home, what's next? We fixed everything except for the hole in the wall. We were chilling on the couch, while eating our simple dinner. It wasn't the best, but it was just simple and quick. We hadn't heard anything from Jack in a while.
Y/N: "I'm going to check up on Jack real quick okay?"
Z: "Okay"
I walked towards Zachs room and slowly and quietly opened the door.

To be continued...

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