C H A P T E R 4

53 3 0

I was on my way to my locker, because it was lunch break. I was on the third floor, so I walked down the stairs.

I was alone, not any of my close friends were in this class. I ran into Laura on the second floor.

We're always slow so it was not busy on the stairs, almost no one was there.

We talked and walked down to the first floor. At the bottom was a boy waiting.

His head was covered with cute curls. He looked behind us. I think he was waiting for someone who walked behind us.

I wasn't paying attention and placed my foot in the wrong place. My ankle twisted and I fell down the stairs.


Right in the arms of the boy with the curly hair.

La: "Y/n! Are you okay?!"
I heard her sprinting on the steps.

??: "Are you okay?"
I looked up at the boy, right in his hazel brown eyes.

Y/N: "Uh-h... Y-yeah, I'm sorry"
I said as I got out of his grip. That was so embarrassing.

??: "Don't be sorry, it can happen to the best. Are you sure you are okay? You fell down almost the whole staircase"
He smiled at me.

Litte dimples formed in his cheeks as he did, it was cute.

Y/N: "I-I'm fine, thank you"
I said as I tried to get the black stains off my white skirt.

??: "No problem"
I sighed.
Y/N: "Ughh"
I said, still wiping my skirt.

Y/N: "Oh well, I already knew that I couldn't keep this white"
He laughed.

La: "Y/N! Are you okay?!"
Y/N: "Uhh, Yeah I'm fine"
La: "Oh, thank god. I really thought you broke something"

Y/N: "I don't hope so. This kid caught me so the chance is small that I broke something"
The boy laughed.

??: "This kid? You can just say Jack"
Y/N: "Right. Jack. I'm Y/n"
Someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.

Z: "Are you okay Y/n?"
Y/N: "Oh hi. I'm fine, twisted my ankle, but it'll heal"
I sighed. He smiled at me.

Z: "It'll be fine"
Z: "Yo Jack, bro"
He said as they did a handshake.

I looked at Laura, she was just staring at Zach. I waved my hand in front of her face.

Y/N: "It's not nice to stare Lau"
I whispered to her.
La: "Huh? Oh uhh yeah, sorry"
She said blushing and looked down.

La: "Omg Y/n, you skirt!"
She gasped and turned me around, so she could see the back. It was really dirty and had black and grey stains all over it, thanks dirty stairs.
Y/N: "I know"

I said sighing. She tried to wipe it off. I looked at Zach and Jack.

Y/N: "Yeah, it isn't going to get any cleaner than this, but thanks Lau. Now we can all stop staring at my butt"
Zach and Jack quickly looked away. Jack blushed a bit.

Y/N: "Thank you"
Z: "Wow, sorry miss additude"

We laughed and started to walk down the stairs. Jack said something under his breath, but unfortunately for him, I still heard it.

Ja: "Well, It looked good"
Y/N: "I heard that, Jack"
I whispered to him.

Ja: "Oh shit! Uhh oops?"
His cheeks were three tints darker than Zachs rosy cheeks. He felt so embarrassed and awkward. I laughed at him.

Y/N: "It's okay. I'll take that as a compliment"
I winked at him and focused on how I walked, because I don't want to fall again.

I walked pretty slow, because my ankle actually hurt a bit. Jack walked slowly next to me. Laura was walking next to Zach, well faster than Zach.

She was already at the bottom of the stairs. She looked at us and frowned.

La: "Zach, what's with your leg?"
We looked at Zach, he was walking slow too and limping a bit.

Z: "Ohh, meh, it just hurts a bit"
I looked at his leg and frowned.
Y/N: "You were fine by science, what happened?"
He stopped walking.

Z: "Really Y/n? Yes, I was fine until after science yeah"
He said chuckling.

Y/N: "Huh? Ohhh, wait? Did I do that?!"
Z: "Yes!"

Y/N: "Now, it can't be that bad"
Z: "My whole shin is blue and purple"
He said as he gave me a obvious look.

Y/N: "I don't believe that, you're a bit exaggerating now"
I said laughing a bit.

He walked down the stairs and waited at the bottom for me. When I reached the last step, I looked at him confused.

He lifted the leg of his pants a bit up and showed his leg. He was right, it was a bit swollen and blue.

Y/N: "Oh shit! That looks bad! Did I do this?!"
Z: "Yes!"
He said laughing.

Y/N: "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was that hard, even though my hand hurt from it too"
I said laughing back.

Y/N: "But honestly, you deserved it. Not this bad, but still"
Ja: "What happened?"

Y/N: "Well, 'this one' was being a little shithead, as Corbyn likes to call him an-"
Z: "And 'that girl' couldn't handle it and hit me"
We looked at each other and bursted out laughing.

Ja: "Finally someone who put him in his place, he's always messing around"
I snickered.

Y/N: "Yeah, I could tell that. The first thing he did when he sat down was blowing a little paperball in Corbyns eye"
Laura laughed and shook her head.
La: "Omg, Zach. Really?"

Ja: "Wait you know Corbyn?"
Y/N: "No, not really. I met him at science, just like I met Zach. Oh, and Corbyn is in my history class with that other brown haired guy, I think he's in your little group too"

Ja: "Which one?"
Y/N: "Your little friend group. You're always together with some other guys, right?"
Ja: "No I mean which brown haired boy"

Y/N: "Ohh, brown hair, blue eyes, uhh ta-"
Ja & Z: "Daniel"
La: "What?"

Z: "That's Daniel. Brown hair, ocean blue eyes"

La: "Ohh and the other one is Corbyn then? Who sat next to him. The blonde one?"
She asked me.
Y/N: "Yes"

I felt my phone buzz.
Y/N: "Eva texted me, she asks where we are"
La: "Right, let's go to the canteen"

I texted Eva back, telling her what happened and that we are on our way.

We walked to the canteen and stopped by the nurse to get two ice packs.

One for Zachs leg, even though he said he was fine, I told him to cool the bruise. You won't feel it that much later if you cool it now.

He got one and I needed one too. My ankle was swollen and red, it hurt.

We all went to our lockers and walked towards the canteen together.

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