C H A P T E R 17

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*Five weeks later*

*Jacks P. O. V*
Ja: "I'm too late, Zach! I'M TOO FUCKING LATE!"
I said as I smashed the bouquet of flowers on the floor.
Z: "HEY! Those flowers did nothing wrong, it's nice that they got you them. Pick them up!"
Ja: "I'm sorry, I'm just frustrated"
Z: "I know, but you can't do anything about it. They're happy and he is a good guy. You'll get over it. Don't do stupid things, please"
I sighed.
Ja: "I won't. I'm just disappointed, in myself, because It's my own fault"
Z: "It'll be okay, give it some time and you'll be over it"
I wasn't doing really good with my concussion and stuff, I fell and fainted a couple times and went back to the hospital. I'm fine now and went to school for the past two weeks. These past three weeks Y/n and Laura came over a lot, because Zach finally asked Laura on a date and they're together now. It's so cute. Y/N is with someone too, but it isn't me. My feelings were getting stronger and stronger these past weeks, but I guess they weren't mutual. Y/N is with Austin now. They hung out a lot and it may seem like it is quick, but they already knew each other for quite some years, they just weren't really close back then. And don't get me wrong, Austin is a great guy. He's really sweet and I'm sure he would never hurt Y/n, but I'm just jealous. I wish it was me instead of him. But I messed up myself, if I just was brave enough to ask her out, maybe I wouldn't feel like this now. At least she's happy and I don't want to ruin that, I have to accept it and learn to live with it. It's going to be hard for a bit, but I'll make it through.

A: "Mommy, you had another boyfriend before daddy?!"
He asked in disbelief.
Y/N: "Yes, I did"
Ja: "But sometimes love doesn't work out or something horrible happens and you fall out of love with someone. It wasn't meant to be if that happens"
Lu: "Did that guy do something to you mom?!"
Y/N: "You'll see, just listen to the story"
She said smirking a bit as she shrugged. I laughed at her.
E: "I want to know, keep going"
Ja: "Alright, alright"
*******BACK TO THE STORY********

*Two weeks later, Friday night*

Z: "Ready Jack?"
Ja: "I'm coming! One minute!"
I checked how I looked in the mirror for the last time, unplugged my phone from its charger and headed to the front door where Zach was waiting for me. We got in the car and drove to the restaurant. We were having dinner with everyone else. It was not really fancy, but it still was a bit. We all looked casual. Jeans, shirt, hair done, perfect for this evening. We met the others at the restaurant. Y/N was wearing a casual, little black dress and she looked stunning. I sat between Leo and Laura. Y/N was across from me. Zach next to her, across from Laura and Austin sat next to her on the other side. Everyone was talking and some were a bit lovey dovey with each other, I was just joining a conversation from time to time. I guess Eva noticed.
E: "Ahh Jack"
She said laughing a bit.
Ja: "What?"
E: "Everyone is with someone on this table and yo-"
Y/N: "Ahhh Jack! You're the only single one here!"
She grinned.
E: "I didn't exactly wanted to say it like that, but yeah"
She said laughing.
Y/N: "We need to find you a girlfriend"
Ja: "Nah, I'm fine"
I said a bit nervous. I didn't like where this was going and I didn't like this topic, at all. I quickly tried to make eye contact with Zach.
Y/N: "Ah come on, that would be fun. A nice girl for you"
Ja: "Mehh, I think I'm fine on my own"
Y/N: "Why not?"
I shrugged.
Y/N: "Or are you already seeing someone?"
She said smirking.
Ja: "N-no, not really"
Y/N: "Oeh you're definitely seeing a girl! Tell me about her"
Ja: "No, I'm n-not"
I really don't want to talk about this, it's just embarrassing and getting more awkward, because I don't know what to say.
Y/N: "Don't lie to meee, I can see it"
I shook my head.
Y/N: "Ah, come on, tell us"
I quickly looked at Zach, searching for help.
Y/N: "Jack, pleaseee"
I looked back at her then back at Zach. Y/n was about to say something, but Zach cut her off.
Z: "Y/n..."
He said while he placed his hand on her arm, trying to make her stop asking. Luckily she got the hint and shut up about it. After one last comment, of course.
Y/N: "Oh, I'm sorry. But please tell me about her soon, you can't keep hiding it from me"
I sighed while she smiled at me. She turned back to join Austin and Olivers conversation. I gave Zach a 'thank you' look. He nodded a little telling me it was fine. Laura leaned closer to me.
La: "You'll get over it"
She whispered in my ear. I looked confused at her.
La: "I just know. I can see it"
She whispered as she slightly nodded her head in Y/Ns direction. I looked back at Laura and sighed. She patted my shoulder. Was it obvious? It didn't seem like Y/N noticed, did it? I decided not to think or talk about it anymore and to just enjoy my evening with my friends. The food was good, we talked, laughed a lot. It was great, except for that little moment, but I had a lot of fun. The plan was to drink something somewhere and to go out for a bit. I wasn't really feeling like going out and I was stuffed from the dinner, so I went home. Leo and Oliver, Corbyn and Christina and Austin went home too. I got in our apartment, threw my keys on the counter, slipped my shoes off and changed into joggers. I fell back on my bed and just thought, while staring at the ceiling. I didn't really feel any better after thinking, sometimes it's better not to think about love and things like that. Music always makes me feel better. I grabbed my phone, connected with my speaker and hit shuffle on my playlist. Mutual by Shawn Mendes started playing. Oh no.


What do you want from me?

What do you want? Uh

I need to know

If this is mutual

'Ughh whyyy?' I said out loud while Shawn kept singing the next lines on the background.


I want you bad

Can yo-

I paused it. I really like Shawns music, but this song was just too relatable right now. Normally, music always makes me feel better, always, but I guess not this time. All of a sudden, the speaker produced a loud ringing noise. It looked at my phone and frowned, my screen lit up because of this... incoming facetime call?

To be continued...

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