Chapter 2: The Voice

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Ever since what happened between Adrian and I, I neither saw him nor heard from him again it's like he just took off and vanished to the ends of the earth.

I blame myself everyday for not having his contacts. I didn't think about it as I only wanted him in the heat of the moment. I have absolutely no information about him so there was no means of contact.

I remember how I felt with the thought of him just leaving me like that, like I was just a cheap slut sliced through my heart. I should hate him for using me but I don't, rather I think of him each and every day.

I think of that night, of how I woke up to his letter and the rotten feeling I felt after. The night he made love to me and made me feel like a queen.

I've been intimate with other guys but  never have I ever been with anyone like Adrian, he knew the right buttons to press, the right doors to open.

Adrian made me feel special that night. With each and every stroke he took sent me to the heavens and back. I shouldn't be thinking about him, no I shouldn't!

But the way he kissed me...ugh! Where in the world did you disappear to Adrian? Please just come back and tell me why you left me so suddenly.

I thought about him for weeks, for Months praying to God that I run into him one way or another but I didn't. I decided to ask Kendra if Liam knew anything about him even though she gave me the 'I knew you liked him look' I just had to know.

Australia! Australia! Adrian went back to Australia without so much as a goodbye, instead he left me a note thanking me for how much he enjoyed himself!

Why do men have no feelings? Why don't they consider a woman's feelings? Are we merely just a sex toy to them?  Is there no man out there who's perfect enough to be my Prince Charming? Who'll search through every village just to give me a glass slipper?

I've got to put him at the back of my mind! I don't think that there's a man out there who's gonna love me, and I don't think I'll find anyone who I'll have that connection with the same way I connected with Adrian. But as they say, life goes on!


Kendra hasn't been to the office for a while now being a new mother and all, so I've been quite lonely up here, alone in the comforts of my desk.

The new editor that was brought in to replace Kendra is a piece of work, she hardly talks to anyone, she just sits in her office all day and it made me miss my bestie more.

I'm the designer and Kendra's the editor, we are two peas in a pod except the fact that one pea's at home nursing a child and the other, is at the office working and thinking about a man whom she had a one night stand with and who she'll probabIy never see again.

I've got tons of book covers to design and later the interior of a house to design. That's right, I'm not only into designing books but homes, offices and any interior decor too.

Last week I got a call from an old friend of mine and he referred me to someone that wants a design for his hotel and he promised he'll call me back today to let me know if I've got the contract or not. Fingers crossed!

"Mia Watson."

I pick up the phone in such a haste and when I heard the voice of my friend I release my breath which I never knew that I was holding.

"Richard! How'd it go?"

"Well, I showed him a few pictures and the picture of my house which you designed and..."

"And what? Tell me please the suspense is killing me!"

"He liked it! He likes your work so much that he wants you to design his hotel which he'll be opening soon. And guess what also?"


"I said guess! Why do people always reply 'what' whenever someone says guess what? It's to guess not to say what!"


"Fine! He wants to have a meeting with you at 4pm!"

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much Richard! Where will the meeting be held?"

"I'll text you the address. And Mia... don't be late."

"I won't! Thank you so much Richard take care."

I can't believe it! Richard did it! He got me the contract! I've been praying so hard for God to touch his heart and choose to work with me and finally my prayers have been answered. The only thing now would be making a good first impression with the boss.

According to Richard, he just finished building a hotel and is looking for the best interior design for his hotel. Richard didn't disclose his name or anything he only told me that he's a wealthy business man looking for more investments.

To be honest I'm kind of picturing a man in his mid sixties or seventies, bald with a beer belly and making investments here and there for his future generations. I guess I'll find out once I go to meet him now won't I?

"Mia! I need you to design the book covers for the new books that Rachel is sending to you now."

My boss walks into my office like he owns the place, well technically he does but it's my name that's on the door.

"Sir how long will this take? I kind of have an emergency to take care of in an hour."

"I don't care about your bloody emergency! You will get the job done and I want it forwarded to my email first thing tomorrow morning! Kendra was always the one with an excuse now it's your turn."

Just as he was about to walk out he turn to me.

"Get the job done or someone else will get your job."

The list of books pop up on my computer screen and I have no clue how I'm going to finish this many books within an hour.

I'm not even half way through when I look at the time. It was already four o'clock. I quickly shut down my computer and grab the things I needed, I'll finish the work at home, he said he needed it tomorrow morning not this evening.

I rush out of the office building in a haste and flagged a taxi but none seemed to stop. I rushed to the bus stop and waited for an extra five minutes before the bus came.

Richard had told me not to be late and here I am stuck in traffic already fifteen minutes late. He'd said the man liked keeping to time and he was always punctual to any meeting.

What am I going to do if I lose this job? I work so hard and earn so little at the publishing company that's why I started this interior decor thing in the first place... to earn more money.

I arrive at the venue fourty-five minutes late and I do hope that the man will still be there. Richard had called a thousand times and I told him I was stuck in traffic. He sounded agitated and said the man was getting impatient already, I assured him that I'll be there in a jiffy.

I rush into the building and was directed by a staff to where the meeting was being held.

Just as I walk into the room which looked like a conference hall, I see Richard packing up his documents and putting them in his file. He's probably packing to leave, just then I sight a man sitting at the head of the table with his back to the door with fingers intertwined.

"I'm so sorry I was stuck in traffic."

"I've been stalling him for almost an hour now Mia, how could you?"

Richard said in a low tone as he walks up to me with fury pouring from his eyes.

"You were given a time frame and you kept me waiting for an extra fourty-five minutes miss."

I recognise that voice, the voice that's haunted my dreams for months now. The voice of the one person that took me to the edge of paradise and left me there. And at that moment he swirls his chair to face me and I look into the eyes of the one man that captured my heart. ADRIAN!

A/N: Oh man! Shit's 'bout to get real. 🙊🙊
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