Chapter 6: Feelings

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Image: Adrian Parker


I don't know what the hell I was thinking asking her to come live in the penthouse until her job is done. It's only just an excuse, the real reason was so I'd be close to her.


When I met her at the hospital I thought she was pretty and shy. I was captured by her beauty and her eyes had a feeling buried in them that I wanted to explore.

I didn't want to draw closer to her so I distanced myself but we were bound to meet again since our best friends were getting married. She looked absolutely stunning at the wedding that I wanted to approach her but I stopped myself and slipped into the crowd.

One way or the other she found me and when the conversation started I just couldn't get enough of her. I never wanted the night to end, I was really chatty that night something I hardly ever do but with her, I felt like I had a million things to say without getting tired.

I didn't want to leave her and I didn't want her to leave but the day was over and we both had to leave at some point. I didn't realize when I said it but I offered to drive her home and from there things escalated.

Seeing her stand in front of her door that night with lips so plum and small, I wanted to kiss her. I was leaving for Australia the following day and I wanted to be with her but I had to go.

With so much effort I decide to just give her a kiss on the cheek and leave. But when her lips touch mine by accident, it got all my senses on edge and I knew then that there was no way in hell that I'll be leaving that night.

Even though she'd apologized for bringing her lips to mine, I didn't mind and I just took her lips with great hunger. I never knew how much I craved for her until our lips touched and I knew that I was in for a big trouble.

She was soft and tender and I wanted to be her protector and show her that I'll be there to guard her. Her kisses exploded my brain into tiny pieces and I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted her and I wasn't going to leave if I don't feel her insides.

She welcomed me with open arms, I knew from the moment I met her that she was attracted to me but what I didn't count on was I'd be attracted to her too.

Girls often tend to be attracted to me because of my good looks and my money but with Mia, I felt like her attraction was pure. I can't be with a woman more than once, don't ask why but that's my policy. I'm the 'one night stand' kinda guy because I don't want any strings attached because strings only pull you back and not push you forward.

But Mia made me want more, she made me want to give more and be more and I had to end it before I got lost.

The morning after our love making, I got up early to leave. I looked at her still sleeping peacefully, she looked like a doll and I didn't want to leave her but I just had to.

I took out a piece of paper and a pen from her drawer, wrote a short note that cloaked my real feelings and dropped it by the pillow. I just had to leave before I'll get lost forever, women can't be trusted and I don't know if Mia is an exception but I'm not sticking around to find out.


Every day for months I thought about her, I wished things were different that I was different. I went back to Australia to focus on my life and my business but my heart sought for Mia.

I drowned myself in my work and sometimes in women trying to take her out of my mind but no matter how much I tried to fight it, her name was written in gold somewhere inside my mind and I can't rub it off.

Almost every eligible woman in Australia sought to have a piece of me  and I want nothing more with them than just that one night. But I wanted more from a woman miles away from me who probably hates me by now.

I travelled back home to begin the construction of my new hotel when I learnt that my best friend had been shot and was taken to the hospital and fate brought Mia to me that day.

Months later, I got a call from Richard, my architect, telling me that the building had been completed and what's left is the interiors. I didn't want Ruby to design it, Ruby Adams designed the hotel at Australia and because of our history I didn't want her to design the new hotel.

I wanted to get as far away from Ruby as possible so I decided to travel back home to search for another interior designer myself and forget about everything that has to do with Ruby.

Ruby Adams, named and known for her red hair which attracted me to her in the first place due to my love for the colour red was a fox and I wanted nothing more to do with her.

I informed Richard of my coming and told him I wanted a designer for the hotel and he informed me about a friend of his who was into interior designs. Without any questions I told him I wanted to see proof of her work by the time I arrive.

He'd showed me lots of designs which his friend made even the one of his apartment and I thought it was stunning. I didn't even ask about the person's name all I knew was that I wanted to meet her so she can begin immediately.

I told Richard to set up a meeting with her. Waiting patiently for the designer who was already late, Richard kept on pleading on her behalf and telling me that if I choose her I wouldn't regret it. I was already running out of patience and was ready to leave when suddenly she came and to my greatest surprise it was non other than Mia.

I'm glad I waited.

I was surprised, shocked, happy to see her but there was no way she'll know that so I decided to hide my feelings. I don't know what is it about this woman and I don't know what I feel for her whenever I look at her but I certainly know it's not love. Love is for weaklings.

Life has taught me that when you give your heart to love, you'll only end up getting hurt so I don't believe in love anymore.

But seeing Mia, I wanted her, I wanted her to be with me at all times. I just loved her presence and her smile and her voice and everything else about her. I don't want her to know the way I see her, the way I consider her so I decided to be abrupt with her that way she can never use my feelings.

I've thought about her and I wanted her to be around me every moment of everyday so I told her to quit even though It wasn't a request, it was an order because I didn't want her to over think things and say no.

But working for me alone isn't good enough, she'll still finish up for the day and go back to her house. Then I came up with the best plan, seeing that she doesn't have a car, I thought about buying one for her but it'll make her wonder if I have feelings for her or not so I'll just make her move in with me but this time I'll let her choose.

Seeing her with Carl and how she smiled at him I felt jealous and I wanted to rip his throat out. Carl was good looking as well even though he's my employee but so is Mia and I don't want either of them to do the dirty deed behind me or I swear to God Carl will get it hot.

I know I can't express my feelings to Mia, but I don't want her to look at any other man the way she looks at me. Is that too much to ask? I'm being selfish yes but I can't imagine another guy doing things to her the same way I did them and she calling out his name like she called mine.

I stopped them the moment Carl offered to take her home, and I suggested I'd take her instead. I saw the look of surprise on Mia's face but I didn't care. I parked in front of her apartment and just as she was about to step out, I decided to ask, it was now or never to tell her.

I made her quit her job and now I want her to leave her house just so she can be close to me, I only hope she says yes.

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