Chapter 7: Moving In

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I couldn't sleep last night, I kept thinking about Mia and the night of our love making. Oh if only I can get that night back.

I need her to make a decision about moving in with me, I can't force her, I can only hope she sees my point and agrees to it.

It's 7am and I'm already at the hotel for an important meeting. I didn't see the reception clearly last night because I was blinded by jealousy when I saw Carl with her. Now that I see it, I can only see the beautiful and exquisite design.

The reception and the fireplace is painted with a cream colour and the outline painted white, the high romance windows were covered with red drapes. I'm glad she used red, not only is it my most loved colour but it suits the name of my hotel.

To the right, there is the fire place and a lounge with Boho sofas and armchairs for relaxation and crystal tables. The reception desk is covered with ceramic and has two table lamps on each end and a gold plate on it with 'Reception' boldly written.

To the left stood a big grandfather clock. Overall, the reception looks wonderful and I couldn't help but appreciate Mia's work.


After my meeting, I look around for Mia and she wasn't here yet. Her working time starts at eight and it's almost eight thirty-five and Mia still isn't here.

"Carl, has Mia checked in for today?"

"No sir"

I check the time again. This is exactly what I was talking about.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I'm late"

There she is...panting, did she run all the way here?

"Miss Watson! I'd like to see you in the conference room"

I lead her to the room

"You are late"

"I'm so sorry Mr Parker, the traffic today was unbearable"

"You came in thirty-five minutes late. The workers were here on time except for you"

"Please I'm doing my best"

"It isn't good enough"

Her eyes drop

"Have you given any thought to my proposal?"

"Yes...i...i don't think I can move in with you"

"You are not moving in with me, you are moving into my penthouse"

"It's the same will be there won't you?"


I saw the troubled look in her eyes. Is that how much she hates me now?


"As much as I love what you've done with the reception, I'm afraid I have to let you go. I warned you about being tardy. I'll look for someone else who can easily get to work on time. I told you before, I hate lateness."


"I had an important meeting today at seven and I got here before then. What I'm saying is, when something is important to you, you just have to do anything to hold onto it. Do you understand Mia?"

She nods

"Yes Mr Parker"

"Good...thank you for your help and..."

"I'll do it!"


"I'll move in but only until my job is done"


"That was all I asked from you. I'll send my driver to take you to your apartment later so you can pick up the things you'll be needing"

"Thank you Mr Parker"

"No... thank you. I only suggested this because I love your work and I wouldn't want to lose that, and besides I'd already made you quit so it wouldn't be fair of me if I didn't give you a chance. Get back to work now"

Her face lit up with mixed feelings, she's probably wondering why I had to thank her. If only she knew.

She stood and walked out of the conference room. She looks absolutely dashing in that dress and why does it have to be red!

Hours passed and I sent my driver to go with her and to help her get what she'll need as I go up to the penthouse for a quick rest.

I can't say I'm ecstatic with the recent development but I am happy that she agreed. I wasn't really going to fire her, I only intended to scare her a bit.

But what if she'd told me to hell with my job and left anyway? I'm glad it didn't turn out that way.

The doors to the penthouse elevator swing open and my driver steps out wheeling in a suitcase followed by Mia who carries a small box.

"Thank you Patrick."

She says to the driver and smiles at him

"Anytime Miss Watson. Mr Parker."

He touches the tip of his hat as he exits the penthouse.

"Welcome Miss Watson. I hope he didn't bother you"

"Not at all...he's a sweetheart"

I see

"That's good to know"

"Where shall I put my things?"

"Oh sorry! Let me show you to the guest room"

The penthouse is so big that she wouldn't even know I'm here. The guest room is at the other end of the hall and far from the masters bedroom.

"Here we are"

"Oh...My...God! This place is so huge and beautiful"

"I'm glad you like it"

"It's bigger than my whole apartment. Isn't it?"

She looks at me. I look away.

We were both so into each other that night that I don't think I paid attention to the size of her apartment.

"I'm sorry Mr Parker. I shouldn't have said that"

"I do hope you'll like it here. Dinner's at six."

"Are we eating together?"

"I have only one dining table but if you don't want to come out then I'll have the cook bring yours to you"

"No it's fine...I'll be there"


"Make yourself at home"

Why did she have to bring up that night? I know she didn't mean to say it but it took me down Memory Lane and I know she felt it too because I saw the look in her eyes.

Mia what are you doing to me? I want you but I can't have you. You torture me so much and you have no idea. I want to trust you, I want to believe that you are different from other women, I want you to make me have faith in you and to make me yours.

I do hope that you are different because I am willing to take a chance on you but I'm scared that it'll only end up the same way.

Author's Note

Adrian isn't so bad now is he? But what's got him so distrustful of women?

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