Chapter 46

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A/N: I'm rereading the first chapters and to be perfectly honest, I wanted to edit everything! LOL

Chapter 46- The Blinking Tower

It feels like we've been walking for hours but when I looked at my watch, it's only been a few minutes since we entered this passage.

"How long are we going to walk?" I asked. Almost sounded like a complaint.

"We're almost there. It's on the other side of the island and this passage is the safest and fastest towards it."

"I know it's too late for me to ask this, but why are you taking me to the tower?" 

She stopped walking and turn on my direction. 

"It's a task that was given to me and that's all I can remember. I was told that you—rather, she'll know what to do once you're there." She said before turning around and continue to walk.

"She?" I asked in confusion. She's not talking about my subconscious, was she?

"Yes." That's the only thing she said before she continue to walk ahead without looking back and dropping the topic in the process.

After a few more minutes of walking, we finally reached a spacious space. By just looking at my surroundings, it seems that this place was definitely abandoned. The cracks in the ceiling lets the small amount of sunlight pass through illuminating the room with a dim light. In the corner of the room, you can see a staircase going up.

"We're here," she said. "But I can't go with you upstairs." She said.

"Why not? Why did you bring me here if you can't accompany me until  the end?"

"It's a long story—"

"I got lots of time to spare, thanks to you." I huff. "I'm not going upstairs with hundreds—wait, maybe even thousands of steps just to see what's in there that you can't even explain to me what."

She sighed heavily. "Alright, I'll tell you a story... you can say it's the summary of everything."

"First of all, what am I expecting upstairs that I should see very badly?"

"It's the Aeterium stone. It was sealed inside this tower for hundreds of years. It's also known as the one of the stones of Queen Catherine even though it was never hers to begin with."

Confusion was evident on my face at her last statement.

"What do you mean? And another thing that confused me, you said it was sealed hundreds of years ago, I thought that the stones appeared in 1900s."

She smiled at me, "See, this is the very reason why I didn't tell you. It'll rouse more confusion and questions. That's why it's a long story."

"Whether it's a very long story or not I wanted to know everything because I believe that I'll find the answers that I'm seeking once I finally find my missing memories."

"Whether you gain your memories or not it will always be the same end." She said. "The aeterium stones are considered as myths by most of the people. Only few people knew of its existence and the individuals who actually saw it are very limited that you can even count them with only one hand, but... everything changed when a certain member of  the royal family gathered the 5 pieces and announced its existence to the public making it known as..."

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