Hello Love

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-Newt pov-

I sigh and watch as the gladers finish their work. Gally walks by and gives me a slight nod. I nod back, and watch him walk away. Jeff walks over to me, with a jar of water and I'm guessing a pill for the pain.

"Hey Newt. How ya holdin up?" He ask as he crouched.

I give him a small smile. "I'm feeling alright. The pains comin back a bit though." I say grimacing when I move slightly.

He nods, and slips the jar carefully through the holes. I grab it, and drink a small bit.

He slides his hand through, palm up. He uncurls his fingers revealing a small white pill. I grab it and put it in my mouth. I start chugging the water to wash down the pill.

I cough slightly, and slide him the jar again. "Thanks Mate. I needed that."

He nods and gives me a half smile. "See ya later Newt." He then stands up amd walks away.

I sigh and lean back against the wall. I look up through the sticks and see the wall. But no sign of her at all. Maybe I did just imagine it...

Then just as the sun fully disappears behind the maze walls. I see a head pop up, and I can make out her turning her head. She disappears again over the wall edge, and I look at the glade again.

No one noticed her at all. Not even suspicious about a figure over the maze. She may be hard to be seen when your not looking. But if you look hard enough you can see her.

Candles start getting blown out in the home stead. And I can see Alby pouring water on the fire, before walking deeper into home stead. I hear people saying good night, and the rest of the light fades.

Only leaving the moon to illuminate the glade.

I wait.

For minutes.

Or maybe hours.

But it's mostly silent, except for some of the snores heard from home stead. I hear the faint sound of scuffing feet, and look up.

I can barely make out a vine falling down the walls in the darkness. But I can hear the sound of her sliding down the vine. A very subtle swich and a small snap.

I can barely see her through the sticks, but I can hear her moving. And she's moving closer.

Small shuffles, and the sound of grass being stepped on give me her location. A shadow soon appears on the side of the pit walls. My breathing comes out softly, as I follow the figure with my eyes.

Then I see her leg, and her hips. Shorts, and long legs with brown boots. She slowly bends down and I see her face.

I couldn't see her clearly the first time I saw her. But now, I see her perfectly. And all I can think is, how beautiful she is.

Her hair is HC and falling in small waves on her shoulders. Only a few strands are out of place. Her EC eyes are staring at my brown eyes. Her lips. . . . Why am I staring at her lips now!

"Hello Newt." She says.

I feel my heart stop when she says my name. Then it beats slightly faster than before. I look past her, and see everything brighter than before. I see it more clearly, now that I've seen her.

"Hello Love." I say back.

Silence fills the space between us, and I feel my cheeks get hotter every second. I look at her, and I see her smile and sit down.

"How's your leg?" She asks,  breaking the silence.

I glance at my leg, and then look back at her.

His Glue {Newt x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now