Key to Freedom

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-Your pov-

It was sun down, meaning the walls are closing within a few minutes.

I ended up sleeping the entire day, and I knew Minho was going to be worried for me. Cause he knows that I only stay away if I am sick,  or if I got hurt.
In a way I am sick.

I'm just sick of the shucking maze.

I sigh, and sit up. I get the best view of the maze, when the sun sets. The sun hits the right angle, and the maze is full of shadows and the occasional glitter of Griever slim.

I smile, and stand up, stretching as I stand. I hear a satisfying crack, and sigh as tension is relived in my back. Sleeping on top of the maze, was NOT a good idea.

I lean back down, and tighten my laces a little bit. Then I tuck them inside my boots. I whip back up, and tighten my belt that's holding my shorts up. When I feel like it won't fall, I tighten my hair tie.

Then I run, hearing the maze doors close like a warning for me to start running to the Glade. I jump, and smirk as I feel my hair fly back at the feeling of me free falling.

~Time Skip~

-Thomas pov-

"This is the entire maze." Minho says.

I walk over to the table, and look at the small sticks.

"I thought you said that you were still mapping it out." I said.

Minho shakes his head. "We've had it finished for a while. The changes and everything. YN helped build it, she helped me run it too. And for her not to be there, something is wrong."

At the mention of YN, I look at Minho. "Minho, do you think YN  is lying to us?"

His head jerks to the side to look at me. He glares at me. "No, she wouldn't."

I glare right back. "How do you know? She could have been sent here! She could be working with them! And that would explain why we haven't gotten out of this place yet! She is lying to us!" I yell.

"That isn't possible."

I turn around and see Newt, and Chuck behind him. They walk into the room, and shut the door behind them.

"How would you know?" I ask.

Newt sits down in the hammock,  and looks at me.

"YN was brought in by her family. They thought that this place was safe, but then learned the truth when they were here. But YN was left here because her parents were sick. They killed themselves before they could accidentally kill her. She isn't working with the creators, otherwise known as W.I.C.K.E.D. She has found the exit, she found every single one." Newt said.

I frown. "Then why are we still here?"

Minho sighs. "Look Greenie, she would have left if she could. She showed us the exits, but they can't be opened. Not without a key. She was the one who told us the patterns of the Grievers, and what they do at night. She told me and showed me personally, where they are. Well one of them."

He pulled out the silver tube we found in the Griever, and put on the mini maze.

"The door opens when a Griever is around it. So she thinks that the Grievers are the key. I think that this, is the key. Our way out." Minho stated.

I frown. "If that is true, then why hasn't she killed one before? To get the key out of them? And what about the one's that were stung? Why didn't she save them?"

Chuck sighed, and finally spoke up. "Thomas, she tried. She tried every time. She hates coming back and telling us they didn't make it. She may have grew up with the Grievers, but they have a program. And they can't ignore that program. She tried to help break the program before and nearly died. And if she killed one, then she wouldn't be able to gibe the key to us. Cause then she would die."

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