Thomas v.s the Maze

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-Alby pov-

Running in the maze was hard. But I could keep up with Minho, just barely. We've been running for a few hours, and it was time for lunch.

"Let's take a break for now." I said.

Minho nodded and we sat down, leaning against the wall. I bring our food out and start eating. Bread and berries.

"What do you think happened to Ben?" Minho asked, breaking the silence.

I pop another berry in my mouth, and sigh after I swallow. "I think YN tried to help him like she did with the others. And if something bad didn't happen, then he could be alive." I say.

He nods, and stands up. "But this is the maze, bad thing's always happen." He stated looking down at me.

I sigh and smirk. "But YN is the only good thing that's in this maze." I say. I stand up and put my pack back on my back.

We continue running, and head into sector 7. "YN said their should be one in each sector. Just past the blades." Minho said while running past the blades.

I nod, not bothering to say anything. We run through the blades, zigzagging our way to this cliff.

Minho stops suddenly, "Their it is."

I step next to him and see exactly what he told me. A small path, with two cliffs on each side. And at the end of the path, is a blank wall.

"Alright, let's go. It's about time we left anyways. I don't want to be stuck in the maze at night. Even with YN here. When we find her, or if she comes back we can ask her what she thinks." I start walking back with Minho trailing behind me.

I turn the corner, and stop when I see her laying on the ground. YN was on the ground a few feet away, and next to her was a Griever. It was unmoving and seemed to be dead.

"Why did you stop?" Minho asked.

But then he looked into the direction I was looking in. He gasped softly, and we looked at eachother.

We looked back at YN and the Griever, and slowly walk to her.

"YN. YN wake up." I call softly.

She doesn't move at all. I panic and rush to her when I don't see her breathing. I sink down by her side and put a hand over her face. I feel her breath against my hand and I sigh in relief.

Only to feel a pain in my side, and I look down and see a needle in my stomach.


-Your pov-

I hear someone shouting, and then the sound of someone falling to the floor.

I groan lightly and open my eyes. I look up and see the sky, as blue as ever. I take a deep breath in and slowly remember what happened.

I had tried to save Ben, only for Sue to take him. And he was choking me, and I had passed out for no reason. Thank the God of Klunk that I didn't pass out on top of the maze. It's been happening more often, but I don't know what it could be... Well I just hope it's nothing serious.

I slowly sit up, and look over to my right. I see Kevin turning the corner, with Bob nowhere to be found.

I look to my left, and see no one thier. But I also see blood drops on the floor. My eye's widen, and stand up immediately. I feel a rush of blood leave my head to quickly, and get dizzy.

I stagger to the wall and lean against it, holding my head. I close my eyes and take a deep breath again. I open my eye's when I hear the doors closing.

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