Our secret

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-Newt pov-

Its been a week since I lasts saw her. At least in person.

I still notice her on top of the wall, and I stare at her before trying to continue working. I wonder why she won't come down here. I remember her saying something about W.I.C.K.E.D not suppose to know about her being here.

But . . . . It's so bloody confusing.

"Hey Newt!" Jeff says.

I look over and see him running this way.

"You alright Jeff? What do you need?" I ask.

He just gives me a smile, and hands me some crutches. "These came in with the new Greenie." He said.

I took the crutches, and put them under my arms. Then I moved them forward, and started to walk. I was able to move faster than before.

I turn and smile at Jeff. "Thanks Jeff. Your a life saver." I then continue to walk away, not finishing my job.

"Alright! It's getting late already. The bondfire will be later. So start gathering the sticks, and Fry, start cookin." Albh says.

I swing towards Alby, and call his name.

"Alby, I don't think I'm up for a bond fire tonight. I don't want to damage my leg even more." I say.

He nods. "Alright. See you in the morning."

I nod, and hop away.

~Time Skip~

They were finally asleep, and it was time to go to the wall. I sat up quietly, and grabbed my crutches. I looked around and saw no one move when I had stepped on a stick.

I sigh in relief.

I continue to make my way to the wall, trying to go unseen.

I see her at the top of the wall, looking down at me. I wave at her and she waves back. She then moves away, and a vine gets thrown down. She hops over the edge and slides down.

She lands on the ground with a slight thump. She turns to me and smiles.

"Finally coming to the wall Newt. For while I thought you didn't want to talk to me." She said.

I grin at her.

"No, just didn't have a way to get to the wall easily without waking up everyone." I say.

She ohhs, and nods. I sit down not wanting to rest on my leg, and she sits down next to me. I turn and study her face,  before I break the silence.

"How did they die? Your parents I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

She looks at me, then looks up at the sky. Silence fills us again and I feel regret filling me.

"Sorry I shouldn't hav-"

"They killed themselves." She interrupted.

I look at her in shock. "I'm sorry."

She shakes her head. "They shot themselves to save me."

"What do you mean?" I say confused.

She looks at me. "They had the Flare. A virus that kills you, and when you die. You become a crank. You kill and eat the living. That's what is outside the maze. But my parent's were infected,  and they knew they didn't have much time left. So we came here. And then they killed themselves."

"Oh. So, out their is-"

"Mostly sand. And broken buildings and structures. But from here, you can only see sand." She said.

His Glue {Newt x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now