The Trigger

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-Newt pov-

The doors open, and we see the path into the maze is empty. We wait for a minute, and we don't see anything.

"I told you Chuck. They aren't coming back." I mutter to him.

He nods, and looks at me with that look on his face. The broken look, the look he knows is going to be on YN's face when she comes back.

We start walking away, and then Zart starts yelling. We turn around and I see Thomas and Minho carrying Alby to the doors. Everyone starts cheering except Gally. But he's a Shank, so it doesn't matter.

"I told you Newt!" Chuck said to me with a smile on his face.

I smile down at him. "I guess you bloodie did. Sorry Chuck."

He nods, and then everyone surrounds Thomas and Minho.

"Did you guys see a Griever?"

"How did you guys make it out?"

"Did you guys find a way out?"

Minho straightened and looked at Thomas. "We didn't just see a Griever. He killed one."

Everyone goes silent, and then Minho looks me in the eye. Then he glances at Thomas and then back at me. Getting the message, I frown.

"Alright, Everyone go back to work." I say.

Everyone groans and Minho walks up next to me.

"He met YN." He whispers in my ear.

I look at him and then at Thomas, who was walking towards Homestead. I make a subtle nod to Minho and follow Thomas.

But then Gally pushes Thomas, and Thomas goes back at Gally.

"What the shuck is your problem?!" Thomas said.

Gally pushes Thomas again. "You are. Ever since you came into the Glade things have been going wrong!"

Thomas is about to say something back, but then the Greenie alarm goes off.

Everyone freezes, but then we start running to the box. I see the first doors open, and then me and Minho open the metal doors. I jump down and feel my jaw nearly drop in shock.

"It's a girl..." I say looking up at everyone.

"Woah, a girl?"

"Is she pretty?"

"I call dibs!"

Everyone starts talking but then Minho points to her hand.

"She has something in her hand Newt. What is it?" He asks.

Everyone goes quiet as I grab the piece of paper from her hand. I open it slowly and read it out loud.

"She's the last one. . . Ever..... What the bloodie hell does that mean?" I ask.

Everyone shakes their heads, and the girl sits up gasping for breath. She looks up and she stops at one person.


And then she bloodie passes out again. We all look at Thomas, and then I sigh.

"Winston, Zart, lets get her to the Med-jacks." I say.

They nod, and climb down the box, and carry her out.

I climb out, and look at the maze doors. And I feel something boiling inside of me. Worry for YN, because now. She might be in danger.

-Your pov-

I sit down in my big box, I am now calling it my panic box. Because I'm now inside it. Panicking.

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