Chapter 2

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Veronica's POV

After seeing Eddie walk off my mom stood there with us three being me, my brother and this guy Brent in awkward silence. "We should let you guys talk after all you're all the same age" my mother said patting me and my brothers back as she walked back to the house.

"Yeah.. alright it's nice to meet you Eddie" I said extending my hand as he shakes it back giving me a nice nod and patting Brent's back once again walking back to their house.

"So how old are you?" My brother asked.

"Twenty two, you guys?" he asked looking curious.

"I'm twenty, he's twenty three" I said pointing at my brother with my thumb.

"did you guys have a reason to move all the way out here? I have to assume you guys are from the city" he said.

"Well.. our neighborhood wasn't as safe as we thought it was, but this part of Virginia isn't so bad" I said looking around once again "I just couldn't believe my parents chose to move all the way out here" I said.

"ZANDER!" My dad yelled from the porch of the house, he looked back and then at us.

"Uh that's my cue to go and help, but you two talk, later man" my brother said extending his hand out to Brent as they both shake hands.

"Hey...what did your dad mean 'this is the first time in five years since we've seen a family move in this house'?" I asked looking back at my new house

"If I'm being honest, there have been fam- Well troubled families moved into that house
...after the four or three month mark of living there they leave, I remember sometimes seeing cops show up but my dad and I always minded our business" he said sounding serious so I knew this guy wasn't making up some kind of myth or rumor.

"Are you serious... did you ever meet some of the families?"

"I did meet one or two I think but they had issues, domestic violence, fighting, but the family I remember the most was a family of five, the smith family... three boys and of course the mother and father, after a few weeks of living there their youngest son.. what was his name?....AH Brandon Smith? he went missing and never came back... it's been thirteen years since then" he said.

"Oh my god" I said looking back at the house having seconds thought now. I just had to be curious didn't I?

"But.. don't get scared from what we know from the neighbors up the road, he did say that families with issues like that didn't last a long time in the house, but your family seems fine" he said rubbing my shoulder for comfort. I looked at him as he quickly removed his hand from my shoulder, he smiled awkwardly but I smiled back.

"I know.... it's just hard imagining if something like that ever happened to my family, I can't imagine what those families went through" I said.

"Hey, I'm ten feet away just come over and I'll have snacks and a movie on in case you feel scared" he said shaking me his shiny bright smile and pretty green eyes.

"Thanks Brent, I should head back and move my stuff into my new room, bye" I said waving back at him as he waved back smiling at me, walking back to his house.

I walked into my new house looking I stood near the entrance looking around. Near the entrance was the living room right there and the kitchen there as well along with the dining room but there was a wall between the living room and dining room. There's another hallway in the opposite direction of where the kitchen was, the dining and living room were at. I walked down the hallway making a left to where the door frames of the bedrooms were at, the first room was really cozy looking kind of big if you ask me, I could see my brother put his stuff in there already and his bed underneath his window of the room, I walked over across my room and saw that my bed was placed near my closet and bathroom and all my boxes were just placed on the ground, I didn't even walk into my parents bedroom but I assumed that was the biggest room in the house.

"I see you have the nicest room" Zander said walking into my room and throwing himself on the bed, after twenty minutes later of helping me put some of my stuff in place he threw himself on my bed again to relax which was something he would even back at our old house in Orleans and in the city of Virginia.

"You have a nice and cozy room by the way I walked right past it" I said sitting on my bed near him.

"Yeah but yours has a nice closet and a bigger bathroom compared to mine" he said.

"Hey kids, we ordered take out and the TV is connected c'mon" my dad said coming in and exiting the room.

"Race ya" my brother said lifting himself off of my bed and walking out of my room before I could get up and get there before him

I looked around my room and was already so pleased with it since it was a bit bigger than my old room. It was already purple which was my all time favorite color, I got up from off my bed walking down the small corridor into the living room to see the food placed all over the table. I heard someone from behind me shut the hallway bathroom door that connected to my brothers room. I turned around to see Brent walking out of the bathroom drying his hands off, he looked at me and he went form serious to growing a smile on his face.

"Hey there, when you'd get here?" I asked actually surprised not kneeling when he got here and how.

"Your dad jogged all the way to my house and asked me if I wanted to join you guys for dinner" he said.

"Well that's nice of him, I'm assuming your dad already left for his trip?" I asked.

"Yeah an hour ago" he said

"I have to ask... where's your mother?" I asked them immediately regretted asking considering the fact that maybe that's something he doesn't want to talk to about.

"She left my dad six years back claiming they weren't good together and well at the time I was sixteen I was going through the a lot" he said looking somewhat disappointed.

"oh..I- I'm sorry I-I did-

"No no you're good you didn't know...if I'm being honest my life has been better by my dads side" he said looking peaceful.

"I'm glad... Cmon let's eat" I said softly grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the living room where my mom placed all the tacos and chicken on the table and turning on the TV. 

My dad sat by my mother of course swinging his arm around her shoulder while I sat on the other ouch in the middle of Brent and Zander, my mom put on 'traffik' our all time favorite movie, we sat there eating the flake and chicken as everyone got comfortable.

After the movie we continued to all talk and tell Brent how much the city is different from the country side. Brent telling us how long he's been living in the country side and why he thinks city side is too much pressure compared to living in the country side of Virginia it seemed more relaxing to him  

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