Chapter 10

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Veronica's POV

I awoke the next day on the couch to see that once again there no sunlight which was weird for me. Back in the city there was always sunlight and out here it's always gloomy. I got up from the couch walking into the kitchen to see my dad getting his lunch ready to head to work. I saw my mom no where in the kitchen and I knew I had to be worried.

"How's mom?" I asked as I sat at the breakfast table.

"She's okay.. she didn't want to get up so I expect you and Zander to watch her okay?" He asked giving me that dad look.

"Yeah...are Brent and Sonia still here?" I asked.

"Yeah I came to check in on you but saw her instead then I saw you on the couch..I'm assuming you couldn't sleep" he asked sitting across from me.

"Nope..but the couch was sleeping material" I said looking at the couch

"Okay..I'll be back about in maybe an hour I don't feel well going to work for the day knowing your mother doesn't feel okay" he said as he got kissing my forehead and walked over to the front door exiting the house.

I walked towards my brothers doors and opened the door slowly to see Brent on the floor sleeping and my brother on his bed knocked out cold. I closed the door slowly so I wouldn't awake then and walked across to my room to see Sonia still sleeping, I picked up my phone off the edge of the bed to see it was 8:30am. I put my phone my front pocket of my pajamas and walked down the hallway to my mom and dads door. I was about to twist the knob but came to realize it was locked. I tried twisting the door knob again and again but it wouldn't open. I began to dad wouldn't lock the door and my mo wouldn't do that either. I wiggled the door knob like a mad woman. I began knocking while still holding firmly onto the door knob.

"Mom?! Mom open the door it's me Vero" I said as I was now banging on the door. I heard bloody murder screaming coming from the other side of her door. My mother was screaming but not for help. It didn't sound like it...I just couldn't describe it, you'd have to be there to understand what I meant.

"MOM!! Please open the door!!" I yelled as I kept banging on the door.

I heard glass shatter, thuds, as if someone was throwing or pushing her around. I stumbled back onto the ground when I realized that something had been thrown at the door scaring me out of my reality I was living. I got up again rushing to the door banging and banging while I could feel the tears coming out. I heard doors behind me as I glanced back to see Zander and Brent rushing towards me. I moved to the side so that they could use all their force to open the door. As soon as it went silent the door swung open as all of us rushed in there to see nothing... and no one. My brother looked everywhere under the bed, bathroom, but she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Where the hell is mom?!" Zander asked looking around out the window running his hands through his hair outbid frustration.

"I-I don't know she was screaming..." was all I able to see even say as I looked around not being able to comprehend what the hell just happened.

"This is bullshit...MOM!!" He yelled out as I could his eyes water and his veins popping out.

"Zander..Zander" I said coming up to him trying to clam him down but he was already crying.

"don't you see?! MOM isn't here where the hell did she go?!" He asked

"Maybe outside" Sonia said as she walked up to the window looking outside.

"That's impossible there's no window wouldn't do such a thing like no she wouldn't do that...she wasn't feel good guys...I HEARD screaming for crying out loud" he said yelling as I could see his veins popping out of his neck.

"Hey cmon lets sit down and think about this for a sec" Brent said as he was trying to calm and Zander by gripping onto his shoulder.

"THINK?! Think about Brent? Huh?? Think about what? The fact that my mom is gone and I don't where the hell she could've gone? " he said giving Brent a death glare, releasing himself from Brent's grip on his shoulder.

"We need to call dad" I said not making eye contact with anyone. How could I? Not only I lost my mom but I lost my sanity in this damn house.

"No 911" Sonia said looking at me. I could see worry in her eyes. I'm just glad she was here

"I'll call" Brent said walking out of the door

"I'm still calling my dad" I said as I got my phone out dialing his number. It rang about three times until he finally answered.

"Dad dad! Oh my god you need to come isn't in her room I-I don't know where she's at" I said yelling into the phone.

"Wait Wait Wait what's hell do you mean your mom is not in her room?!" He asked sounding far from worried and scared all in one.

"God Damnit just come home okay!" I yelled as I hung up.

"What did he say?" My brother asked looking so emotionless.

"He's..he's on his way" I said not making eye contact with him.

"Do you you think she got possessed?" My brother asked.

"What? No that's impossible" I scoffed

"Is it Vero?" He said now glaring at me walking past me out of our parents bedroom.

"Mom isn't like that" I said turning around to see him stop dead in his tracks.

"Something happened to mom and frankly either she went missing SOMEwhat or...she's dead" he said breaking eye contact with me.

"Shut up" I said as I grabbed my brother by the collar of his shirt.

"Hey hey clam down you two let's just wait for your dad to get here" Brent said as we all sat down trying to get our thoughts together.


About an hour later passed by and my dad had finally arrived home, I saw his car pull up in the pavement driveway. I saw as he ran up to the house front porch barging in looking like a mad man looking around.

"Where the hell is your mother?" He asked looking at me as he barged into the house like a mad man.

"I-I don't know she wasn't in her room and I don't know where she could've gone" I couldn't stop stuttering no how hard I tried. I was so scarred..emotionally drained.

"Zander snd two look in the cellar, and Sonia look everywhere in the house. She has to be somewhere she wouldn't get up and leave like that, I'll check the garage" my dad said as he walked out the back door slamming the door behind him before I could say anything.

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