Chapter 3

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Veronica's POV

About an hour passed since the movie finished and our parents removed themselves from the conversation we were having to unpack their things and get into bed. I felt someone nudge me on my arm and I awoke to see it was Brent looking down smiling at me.

"You fell asleep, figured you'd want to sleep in your room instead" he said as I got up looking around to see the TV had been turned off.

"Right, what time is it?" I asked looking around yawning and stretching. He took out his phone and checked the as his mouth formed into a 'o' shape I mean all he did was check the time.

"Shit it's already 1am... I really don't trust myself walking ten feet from here at this time" he said looking unsure.

"My dad can drive you down so you don't have to walk" I said giving him suggestions letting him decide what he wanted to do.

"I can take you home man" Zander said coming in swinging his arm around me.

"Thanks, tell your parents I said goodnight and thank you for the invite, goodnight Veronica" he said looking at me and my brother exiting our house, I waved as I made my back to my room.

Zander's POV

I thought that moving out where would be the worse thing that was bound to happen to us but I was wrong, I think us having some space and having Brent as a friend wasn't so bad after all, at least we had neighbors we could get along with.

"So Brent you ever thought of living to the city ?" I said as I was backing out of driveway looking at the rear view mirror.

"I lived on the countryside my whole life.. it isn't so bad I have the nature to explore and when friends of mine want to party it's not a problem, nothing compared to the city...your sister mentioned to me why you guys moved out here... I'm assuming there's more reasons to that" he said looking out the window.

"Yeah there's a whole lot... I think this could be a good chapter for us as a family, I have to ask what did your d-

"Mean by the whole house being vacant for five years?" He said actually finished my question which didn't surprise me.

"like I told your sister, troubled families moved there but either they had violence going on to neglect and before it became empty a few years back maybe a week or so a family of five, their youngest son Brandon Smith.. he went missing and they never found him. I don't know most of the families that have moved here eventually end up leaving without giving an explanation to the landlord... but you guys seem like a good family who might last a while here. It feels nice to have neighbors my age move next to me" he said as I stopped my truck in front of his house.

"Are you sure that house is okay? Nothing wrong know like demon shit?" I asked.

"I don't think anything nearly as bad has happened in that house.. I think it's just the people who move there, you should be good man... your sister was scared but if your family needs anything me and my dad are ten feet away" he said.

"Thanks man, see ya" I said as he stepped back shutting the passenger door and waved back at me. I waited there for him to get into his house.

I'm not a paranoid guy by any means or such but being in that house and learning what happened before we came along was giving me the creeps, why did families with so many issues move there? Why did a family boy go missing after moving into that house? Why did families not last long and would leave instantly without giving an explanation to the landlord? I questioned it all but I didn't want to over think it's been five years since then and we're the first family to move in. I kept driving as I stomped on the pedal almost having a heart attacks as my headlights showed a man who was crossing the street with a dog in leash. He looked like he was in his early fifties looking still fit. He had on a red shirt, kaki shorts and a hat and a Rottweiler dog. I was panting out of breathe and the scare he nearly gave me as he came up to my window knocking on it, I had a feeling he might get on my case for almost killing him.

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