Chapter 4

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                                  Veronica's POV

   I walked into my room shutting the door behind me, after what my brother said I'm on his side... I mean what if someone or something hurts us while living in this house? I didn't question it anymore besides getting into bed laying down and drifting into deep sleep. Sometime passed by as my eyes shot open and for some reason I felt as if something was watching me as I sat up I nearly had a heart attack as I saw through my curtain a silhouette of a cat by my window.

I got up and walked over to the window and lifted the curtain to the side to get a better look at the cat, then cat looked at me and hissed like crazy as if it was ready to attack, it jumped of the edge of my window onto the grass walking off in speed form. It started picking up its speed as it stopped dead in its tracks and then it just charged back running into the deep night. I instantly jumped a little stepping back away from the window... something wasn't right and I could just feel it. I sat on my bed in silence until I heard a knock causing me to whimper of fear. I got up swinging the door open to see my brother standing there.

"Jesus Zander you scared me" I said as I let him come in shutting the door behind me.

"I heard noise in here .. wanted to see if you were okay"

"I mean there was just some weird ass cat by my window running away from something, I don't mind was playing tricks with me" I said laying down on my bed looking up at the ceiling.

"It's only the second day" my brother said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah whatever let's go to sleep, you get the edge there" I said as we both laid down falling into deep sleep once again.


    I awoke to see light coming through my curtains but I could tell it was only a cloudy day which was fine with me, usually in the city it was always sunny. I sat up and stretched not seeing my brother around assuming he was already awake doing whatever he does. I walked out of my room to smell the familiar smell of pancakes and chocolate. I walked into the kitchen to see my dad grabbing his papers and piece of pancake kissing my mother goodbye, patting Zander's back and hugging me, our usual routine. I watched from the living room window as my dad got into his truck and left to work, good thing it was summer I don't have to worry about that until September.

I stepped outside to the back porch looking around me, bigger backyard, the beautiful small pond and a nature reserve. I walked over to the pond it had a tree over it which gave a good spring vibe to it from beyond the tree line I could see a figure turning out to be a house I'm assuming I just found out I have new neighbors then. I was throwing rocks until I saw a rock being thrown into the pond as well coming from a different direction. I slowly looked up to my relief it was Brent... for a second I really thought I was starting to go insane.

"Scared me there " I said getting up and walking to him.

"Sorry, I think if I would've said something that would've knocked you right into the pond..we don't want that do we especially in your pajamas" He said giving me a cheesy smile.

"Completely forget I had pajamas on, is that a path beyond the tree line that leads to your backyard as well?" I asked looking behind him.

"Yeah it goes further down but it stops right here at your backyard" he said sounding unsure of that I wasn't sure about that but I didn't ask and I should've.

"You should come over some time and hang out" he said.

"Well... last time I checked I'm free tonight, we could watch a movie?" I said.

"See ya later Veronica" he said softly
pinching my chin and walking back down the path looking back and smiling at me.

I walked back into my house to see my mom talking on the phone and my brother on the couch watching a movie, possibly horror or action his favorite kind, I was about to walk back to my room but noticed the cellar door, I twisted the knob but it wouldn't go further meaning it was locked but why?

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