Chapter 6

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Veronica's POV

I stepped closer to the door and looked outside to all the surroundings I could see. I saw a girl walking down the path of the tree line..she has orange, red hair and a white dress on, she was walking but her head was turned faced to my direction. I could barley see her face and it hit me like a brick when I realized she was that girl from that photo I found in the cellar. I opened the door and started speed walking towards her.

"HEY!" I yelled out as she started running but still looking at me it gave me chills.

"Hey Veronica What's wrong?" Brent came out walking towards me.

"I swear I saw someone walking down the path I-I don't understand she looked like" I said as I stopped myself from going further. I was only trying to understand what was happening.

"What did you see?" He asked as he rubbed my arm for comfort.

"Are you sure no one died in that house?" I asked turning around to face him. "I keep seeing damn ghosts everywhere I go and I walk there's someone there...and this all started happening when I moved into that house!" I yelled out pointing at my house. I brushed my hands through my hair sighing of frustration

"Veronica I'm sure someone didn't die or someone around here would've said something to you and your family even the landlord even would've said something about it" he said looking at me kind of disappointed. I had a feeling that was maybe hurt that I didn't trust him or believe him. But at this point I don't trust what I'm even seeing or saying.

"My mind has to be playing tricks on me...w-what if the landlord doesn't know?! He only owns the land..the house is just up for sale...Brent I mean-"

"Look it's okay lets go inside, I'll shut the curtains to the back of the door so you don't feel scared" he said softly grabbing my arm.

"Okay.." I said as we walked inside his house.

I looked behind me one more time and didn't see anyone. Part of me wanted to believe I was just paranoid and part of me wanted to believe that it was really her who I saw out there. What if she did die and no one knew about it? What if she's trying to tell me something? What if she's somewhere in the house that no one has ever known of. At this point I was starting to really think I was going crazy. All these scary thoughts wouldn't leave my mind. We stepped into the living room as Brent put his arms around my waist for comfort to sit on the couch. We sat down once again and played the movie. I looked at and saw it was 9:38pm I still had enough time to hang out with Brent.


I jolted from my sleep looking around not realizing where I was until I looked around to see Brent next to me sleeping while he still had his arm around me. I picked up my phone and seen it was 11:34pm. We had only been asleep for maybe an hour or two so until I heard it. A knock, at first I thought it was coming from the front door who could be knocking at Brent's door at this hour? Almost midnight. I got up anyways and slowly walked over to the back door and to my relief it was some girl, she had light brown hair and was wearing a purple and blue flannel and blue jeans, she was holding a container. I opened the door and came face to face with her, she looked at me and seemed surprised at me presence.

"You must be the girl Brent mentioned to me yesterday" she said as she smiled every so softly

"Uh..." I said still staring at her

"Oh! Well he was just telling me how kind and pretty you are" she said

"...that's sweet of him, come in" I said as she stepped in and I shut the door behind me looking out there once again

"I'm Sonia" she said, I turned around and looked at her.

"I'm Veronica" I said sending her a smile.

"Where's Brent? My mom told me to bring some lasagna since his dad is out of town" she said placing the container on the table.

"I'm here" I hear Brent say from behind me.

"What's up cowboy" she said.

"Sup cowgirl..I see you met Veronica" he said swinging his arm around me.

" weren't wrong when you said she was pretty" Sonia said winking at me.

"Sonia! That was between me and you" Brent said clenching his teeth but still smiling like a dummy.

"Well I'm gonna leave this here for you, my mom doesn't want you starving to death" she said pointing at the container full of food.

"Thanks... did you really walk all the way from your house to here?" Brent asked.

"I mean I'm only thirteen feet away from you, I took the path from my house to here yes" she said.

"Well be careful... as a matter of fact we can take you" Brent offered.

"Yeah it's late" I said.

"Guys seriously it's fine, I have a pocket knife with me" She said patting her front pocket.

Brent and I looked at each other and weren't sure about her walking thirteen feet back from his house to hers in the dark. I mean I just saw some girl an hour ago walking down the path just giving me this look and I can't get over and then just randomly disappeared out of the blue right before my eyes. It just wants sitting right with me.

"Okay well you have my number be careful" Brent said giving her a hug.

"Thanks, have a nice night guys" she said as she exited the back door and started walking into the darkness we her turn on some light from her phone so I felt more relief she had some guidance back to her house.

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