Chapter 5

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                                  Veronica's POV

     As soon as I pushed my brother out the door with all his needs for the night, I was about to walk to my room and relax and get ready to hang with Brent when I jumped almost losing my balance as I heard glass shatter. I looked around me but didn't know where it came from, I walked back to the front of the house to see the family picture of he has fallen from the wall, glass scattered everywhere but the picture still in the frame, but how? No ones here and there's no wind. I walked over to the picture picking it up and placing it on the table in the living room.

I walked Into the kitchen getting the broom and sweeping up all the glass throwing them in the trash. I was weirded out. I wasn't scared maybe the nail in the wall wasn't strong enough to hang to the picture, the house is probably years and years old so the picture must've been to heavy for that rusty old nail in the wall. I rushed to my room and slammed the door behind me. I didn't want to over think the whole thing, I shouldn't. I got into the shower and finish quickly due to how scared I was and having that fear of someone walking into the bathroom like in the horror movies kept taunting me in the back of my mind.  

I walked out of my bathroom with the towel wrapped around my body, I walked over to the curtains and shut them with the fear that someone might be watching me. At this point I was already very paranoid that I was overthinking. I started getting ready putting on my black pants, my dark purple button up shirt and let my hair down even though it was wet it would dry off with the wind. I texted my dad and mom letting them know that I would be and I'll be home later.

I exited my house locking the door behind me as I began walking down the pavement driveway, I didn't think it I'd have to drive since it was only ten feet away. As I walking down the pavement I could feel eyes watching me from some distance. I kept looking back but all I saw was darkness. I wasn't expecting anyone to be right behind me but it was just the feeling of eyes burning into my back. I was never someone who ever thought anything before but ever since we arrived to this house at first I got s good feeling that everything would be better than before. But now I have this uneasy feeling that started happening.

I brushed off that feeling  and kept on just walking until I looked across from me to my left into the corn field across my house and froze as I could feel my eyes water. I saw a silhouette just standing there I just knew they were staring at me burning into my bones. I had to blink a few times to comprehend what I was staring at. A person, male possibly.

It looked like a taxidermy body, it wasn't moving. It just stood so still like frozen in time. I saw them.. the person walking even through the tall grass but they began speed walking and when I least knew it they were running towards me. I don't know why I stood there like I was waiting for him to get closer so I could run. I just stood there as they got closer and closer faster and faster that's when I booked it, I ran down to Brent's house praying to god that this person wouldn't catch up to me. I don't know how far I ran but I know is that I bumped into someone when looking back to see if that person was still coming after me. They grabbed my arms making me look at them to see Brent. I was so thankful to see his face.

"Oh my god Brent help me!!" I yelled out panting so hard.

"W-w-What's wrong??" He asked looking all around behind me.

I looked behind me and saw no one in sight. Everyone else may tell you that you're just seeing things or some would consider gaslighting you into thinking you saw nothing only to not hear anything you have to say. When I was fifteen; just around the time my father was killed months after his passing I used to see him all the time. He would never talk, just smile at me and wave and when I would blink he was gone. When I would tell my mom about she'd only say I was seeing things never actually believing me.

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