Chapter 2

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Hannah's P.O.V

The next morning I was woken up early by a loud knock on my door, I quickly threw something on before answering, it was Commander Mormont and he looked rather concerned.

"Lord Commander. Is there something wrong?" I asked.

"Hannah, there was a raven for you from the people of the lakes." He said handing me a small scroll. "They need your help."

"Okay, I'll ride out as soon as I can."

"I suggest you take some of the men with you, you're going to need the assistance and they're going to need the experience if they go beyond the wall."

"Okay Commander."

I quickly got dressed and dashed down to the dining hall, I saw Jon, Grenn, Pyp and Sam sat in a small group. Jon smiled when he saw me.

"Morning Hannah." He said pulling me into a close hug.

"Morning Jon."

I could hear a couple of chuckles from the other men.

"Jon and Hannah, sitting in a tree, f-u-c-k-i-n-g." Brad sang thrusting his hips with every letter.

"Ha ha very funny Brad." I said sarcastically before taking my seat. "Guys, I'm going to need your help with a small mission."

"What is it?" Grenn asked.

"The people of the lakes are having some trouble with wild dogs and they need our help."

"Hang on...who?" Said Pyp.

"Have you guys not heard about the Lakeside massacre?"

"I've heard about it." Said Jon. "My father would tell me all about it. Lord Limeburn was one of my fathers closest friends. The Limeburn family was always admired, people would often ask for help with things such as bringing rain to help the crops in the field and heal the wounded, but one day the Lannisters came to them hoping to form an alliance, they said that if the Limeburns agreed to it, the Lannisters would pay them to assist them in battles by using their powers to kill their enemies. Naturally, the Limeburns refused as their powers can't take or give life, Tywin Lannister took this as an insult and later attacked Lakeside without warning slaughtering almost everyone there."

"Wow, is that really true?" Grenn asked.

"Yes." I replied. "But some of the villagers managed to escape Lakeside and fled North to seek protection from the Nights Watch, they have a little tribal campsite in the forest just a few miles South from the wall, every now and again they may need some help so they call on us, and as I'm the only one here who has the freest time, I'm often the one who goes to help them out, they've pretty much accepted me as one of their own by now. So what do you guys say? Are you in?"

"Yeah, let's go!" Said Grenn, jumping out of his seat. "Let's go kill some dogs!"

"Hang on Grenn, we can't kill them, the people of the lakes are very sensitive when it comes to nature and everything that the all-seeing great mother provides."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "I'll explain everything on the way out there."

The ride out dragged, as I had to explain everything to them about the people of the lakes, what they believed, what they did, who they worshipped, and what we were going to do.

"So do they only worship the one god then, this great all-seeing mother you mentioned?" Pyp asked.

"No, they do worship the seven as well, but they believe the all-seeing mother is the one who made this whole world possible, they even have a saying "sa'nok liswa si, sa'nok hawnu"." (A/N some of the more observant of you may have noticed this language is from James Camerons Avatar, but before anyone starts screaming COPYRIGHT, to me it seemed like the perfect language for these characters, plus I don't have the time and patience to come up with my very own fictional language, there may be a couple of references to the movie every now and again throughout this story, like a mish-mash of GOT and Avatar.)

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