Chapter 19

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Jon's P.O.V

"Lady Hannah is...Lady Hannah is dead."

Silence filled the room for a brief moment, Sam almost leapt onto his feet and came over to me.

"I'm sorry Jon." He whispered.

I closed my eyes and patted Sam on the shoulder before I quickly walked out of the room, I didn't want the men to see me cry.

I left the dining hall and went back to my chambers, halfway the tears were starting to flood my eyes causing me to switch from a walk to a light run.

I slammed the door shut behind me and slid down onto the floor, I finally let the tears flow down, I couldn't believe what was happening, there had to be a reasonable explanation to how this must be a mistake, but somehow deep in my heart I knew that this was real, Hannah may be gone but I'm not going to let her go, she is my lady and I'm going to love her until my dying day, maybe even longer.

(Meanwhile at Lakeside)

Hannah's P.O.V

"Lady Hannah!" Malik called as he ran over to me. "There was a raven from Castle Black."

Finally! I haven't heard from Jon in a long time, I've been sending him messages every week but he never replies to them.

When I first glanced at the message my heart sank a wasn't Jon's handwriting, it was Sir Allisers.

"Dear Lady Hannah, I am sorry to have to interrupt your day but there has been a recent incident which you need to be aware of. During the early hours of the morning the wildlings rose up against Commander Snow while he slept, he was found in his chambers this morning soaked in his own blood, I am sorry to give you such bad news, but you have the right to know about this situation, I hope that your day gets better and that you can find the strength to move on, it's what Jon would have wanted you to do."

No...I refused to believe it, there's no way that Jon could be dead, but...then does explain why he hasn't written.

"Hannah, what's wrong?" Ryon asked.

I looked up at him and tried to talk but it all came out as sobs, Ryon rushed over to me and held me in his arms as I cried.

"What's happened sis?"

"Ryon...J-Jon's...Jon's dead!" I said between sobs.

Ryon immediately held me tightly in his arms to comfort me.

"Shh, tam tam ma tsmuke. Everything's going to be okay."

"N-no, he can't be. H-he's not dead! I can feel it!"

"M'lady, you're in denial." Said Malik as he slowly approached us. "You said yourself that Jon hasn't written in a while."

"No! No, he's not! I can feel it in my heart that he's alive! There must be some mistake!"

"Hannah, I think you should go and rest." Said Ryon. "I'll take over your duties for today."

Ryon slowly led me to my room while I continued to cry, I knew what was going to happen now, everyone was going to try and persuade me to move on, but I never will, Jon is my one and only love, and I'll never forget him.

"Just take all the time you need Hannah, I'll ask Talika to look after your needs." Said Ryon as he laid me down on my bed. "Is there anything you'd like right now?"

I just shook my head as I continued to sob.

"Okay, I'll at least bring you something to drink."

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