Chapter 10

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Jon's P.O.V

So Hannah had forgiven me now, but I still needed to show her that she can trust me, I've already done everything I can think of, but nothing is working right now, I felt like giving up.

"So any luck with Hannah?" Sam asked me one morning.

I sighed. "No. I've tried everything Sam, but she still won't trust me. I don't know what to do."

"Jon, just take things easy, if you try too hard it'll take longer. Just give her time to come round, give her some space."

"Snow!" Hannah called.

"Yes m'lady?"

"You're on lookout with Malik and Pyp, hurry up, we can't afford any slackers."

"You've got to admit, she makes a pretty good leader." Sam whispered.

Sam was right, Hannah was a great commander and she'll be a great leader when she goes back to Lakeside.

I wasn't really looking forward to working with Malik, he's never really liked me and he won't tell me why, he just looks at me like I'm dirt.

"Irayo Malik." I said as I joined him on the balcony.


"I said, irayo. I'm thanking you for helping us out."

"That's not going to work on me Snow. Don't think I came here to help you, I came for Lady Limeburn."

"For Hannah?"

"Yes. And you can drop the act, I've seen the way you look at her. So I suggest that you back off, you're never going to have a chance with her anyway."

"You think I'm in love with Hannah?"

"How can you not be? You call her by her first name, you're constantly trying to impress her, and you do anything she tells you to do."

"Well...even if I did, what business is it of yours?"

"Soon Lady Hannah will officially become Lady Limeburn of Lakeside, and I don't want you to put silly ideas into her head, like thinking it's perfectly acceptable for a noblewoman to lay with a bastard like you."

"I'm sorry guys am I interrupting your little heart felt chat?" Said Hannah, I didn't even realise she'd come up behind us. "You two are meant to be on lookout remember, no slacking."

"It was Snow who started the conversation m'lady."

"I don't care who started it Malik, I'll be the one to finish it. Back to work."

Malik didn't speak to me at all after that, and I didn't really want him to, it's not his business what me and Hannah get up to, neither is it anyone else's.

Hannah's P.O.V

I don't know what was going on between Jon and Malik, but we couldn't let it get in the way of what's most important.

For the afternoon I decided it would be best to keep Jon and Malik apart, so I let Ramate join Malik on lookout while Jon joined most of the Nights watchmen on the wall.

"Do you not have any clue about when the wildlings said they were planning to attack?" I asked.

"Not specifically, all I know is they said there would be a fire that could be seen for miles."

I turned to Ramate who was stood behind me.

"Ramate, make sure everyone who isn't fighting is hidden away safely."

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