Chapter 14

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Send a raven to Kings Landing and to Casterly Rock."

Jon did what I asked without questioning, and got a quill and parchment.

"Write, lady Hannah of house Limeburn wishes it to be known that as of today, house Lannister will forever more be seen as an enemy to the Limeburn family, and Lady Hannah will stop at nothing to avenge the murderous actions brought against her family and people many years ago. Lannisters may always pay their debts, but this is a debt you cannot pay with gold."

I looked over at Jon but he was just staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to yank the lions tail love?"

"I'm sure Jon, I want the Lannisters to know that I mean business, the people of Lakeside are all about family, and if I'm going to be Lady of Lakeside, I have to do what would be best for my family, even if that means yanking the lions tail."

Jon was just staring at me again, but this time he smiled.

"What is it now?"

"You sound like a leader already." Said Jon as he rose from his seat. "I think I'm starting to like this new Hannah."

I smiled and hugged Jon tightly, burying my face into his furs, I really wanted to make the most of this time we had left but we only had a couple of days.

We went back to the great hall to meet up with Ramate and Malik, they were waiting for us near the fireplace, but they weren't on their own there was an older middle aged woman with them.

"M'lady, there you are." Said Ramate. "This is Madam Estravan, she's going to be your tutor."

"Tutor? Why do I need a tutor?"

"She's going to teach you how to be a proper lady, how to speak eloquently."

", okay." I stepped forward to shake her hand. "Hello Madam."

She smiled at me and gently shook my hand, she seemed nice.

"Stand up straight young lady." She barked, I spoke too soon. "We'll have to work on that posture of yours if you're going to be a proper lady. Chin up, shoulders back, back straight."

She proceeded to manually get me into the proper posture, making me stand up straight, when she put her hand on my waist to straighten my back, she stopped.

"Where's your corset?" She asked sternly.

"I erm...don't have a corset."

"You don't..." she paused and shook her head. "You need to be properly dressed."

"My body is covered up by my clothing isn't that properly dressed?"

"You're not wearing the proper clothes for a lady, gods be good child, you're wearing trousers!"

We were suddenly interrupted by Ramate.

"We'll leave you ladies to it then." He said as him and Malik started to walk off.

"Wait, I'm not having a lesson now, I've got tons of shit to do."

"Language!" Madame Estravan yelled. "A proper lady should not use such foul language."

"We'll help you with your duties m'lady, that way you can also focus on your lessons." Said Malik.

I was hesitant for a moment, but I agreed.

"Okay, only if Jon stays with me for support."

Ramate and Malik looked at each other for a moment before giving their answer.

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