Ch 4

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                                                         Third person pov

Derek Rossi JJ Emily Hotch and Spencer were all around a table when Derek's phone rang 

"hey baby girl your on speaker" Derek said 

"you guys are not gonna believe this" Garcia said 

"What do you have" Hotch said 

"a girl matching Gracie's description just got rushed to the ER" Garcia said 

"what hospital" JJ asked 

"Mercy hospital" Garcia said 

"Thank you baby girl" Derek said 

"Derek Reid i want you to go to the hospital talk to her" Hotch said 

they both nodded leaving 

"im SSA Morgan and this is SSA DR Reid were here to see the girl that was brought in a few moments ago" Derek said 

"Yes this way" The nurse said 

they enter the room to see the girl still unconscious 

"she has about 6 fractures that never properly healed she's has pretty bad scar tissue on her back she also has four cracked ribs and a fractured forearm and a concussion " the nurse said 

"Has she woken up" Reid asked 

"not yet but you're welcome to wait here until she wakes up" the nurse said 

                                                Gracie pov

beep beep beep that's all i can hear 

can someone shut that dam noise up i thought 

my eyelids slowly flutter open i see that I'm in a hospital i went to sit up but i hissed in pain my sides hurt 

"that's gonna hurt for a while kid" i looked up to see the two men i seen a few days ago 

"great" I whispered 

"I Derek Morgan and this is Dr Spencer Reid" the one named Derek said 

"good to know" i said 

"are you Grace Grey" Derek asked 

"no I'm Kate May" i said crossing my arms 

"you see we don't believe that since that was your foster mother's name" Reid said 

"so what" i said turning my head 

"come on kid were just asking you for a name that's all" Derek asked 

"Gracie Gray" I said 

"where have you been for the last five years" Derek asked

I smirked 

"wouldn't you like to know" i said 

"what were you running from" Derek said 

"nothing" i said sliding my body to sit up 

as they left to talk to them selves i need to get out of here i thought who ever was chasing me will find me here I'm a sitting duck 

"were gonna go but don't you go anywhere" Derek said 

                                  Third person pov

as we were leaving the hospital i called Hotch 

"Hotch it's her but she's not talking" i said 

"I want one of you to stay there if it was Scott who attacked her he's gonna try again" Hotch said 

"Okay I'll do it then send Reid back to you guys" Derek said 

                                            Gracie pov

I put a magnet on the heart Monitor so the Dr's or Nurses don't think I'm up to no good i pulled the IV out of my arm i get out of bed and put my regular clothes back on I look both ways and start to walk casually ha this was easier than i thought it would be i have my hood on 

"Hey!" i heard Derek's voice 

I start to run no way I'm sticking around here i thought "Gracie Stop!" Derek said i could hear his footsteps gaining up on me i exit the hospital running across the street i stop in my tracks when i see the man that chased me i went to run another way but grabbed from behind in a bear hug 

I start to kick my feet "Gracie it's me Derek!" he said 

I stopped struggling and hung my head 

I'm back in the hospital room waiting for the Dr to give the clear 

"Okay kid your coming with me" Derek said 

"No no I'm not" i said getting up 

"You don't really have a choice" Derek said chuckling leading me out of the hospital into a black SUV 

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