Ch. 12

10.9K 151 12

                                                 Quantico Virginia BAU

Derek, Reid, Pretnis, Rossy and Garcia were getting off the Elevator joking around when JJ rushed up to them, 

"We're all Needed in the Conference room now," JJ said with worry in her face 

"What's wrong?" Emily asked 

"Scott Grey escaped prison three days ago," JJ said with worry 

"What?" Derek said 

"Why are we just learning about this now?" Rossy said upset, 

"It took them awhile to account for every inmate in the correctional facility a few days ago a riot broke out a lot of people got hurt or worse," JJ said as her heels clicked on the floor 

they all take their seats, 

"Let's get started," Hotch said 

"Three days ago Scott Grey escaped California Corrections," Hotch said 

"Does Gracie know?" Derek asked 

"No, we called her foster family no answer," Hotch said 

"We suspect he knows where she is," JJ said 

"What makes you think that?" Emily asked 

"He was caught on camera hoping a train to North Carolina," JJ said 

everyone's eye's got wide, 

"Not just that he's been dropping bodies again," Hotch said 

"We need to get there now, if he finds her-" Rossy said worried 

"I know, that's why were up in ten," Hotch said 

                                                Gracie POV

I'm on my way home, to tell Greg and Rosy about my tryouts for Softball, 

I was running home excited I made first bace! 

I got to the door and limitedly knew something was wrong, The door was cracked open, 

I looked around before slowly opening the door, It made a creaking noise, 

"Rose? Greg? you guys home?...." I asked nervously 

I see things a wreck tables and pictures knocked down and broken like there was a struggle, I walk into the kitchen and see Rose laying on the ground in a puddle of blood, 

"Oh my god Rose!" I said rushing to her side kneeling in her blood, 

I felt for a pulse but she was gone, 

I heard a creaking from upstairs, I grabbed a knife from a butcher block, and slowly made my way upstairs, 

First I checked the master bedroom, next the office that's when I see Greg also in a puddle of blood with multiple stab wounds, 

"Greg! Greg wake up!" I said shaking him feeling tears roll down my cheeks, 

my heart was racing my breath ragged, 

I made my way to my room, to see someone standing there, the one person I never wanted to see again, 

"You've made yourself nice a cozy with these people haven't you sweetheart,"He said while looking at a photo from my desk

"You're supposed to be in jail," I whispered 

"I know," He smirked setting the picture down

"But I couldn't let my little girl get a new happy family on my watch, you're my daughter you belong to me," He said 

"You're a monster, they were good people!" I said 

"Now honey don't cause a scene," He said slowly making his way towards me, 

I backed up out of instinct 

"Now are you going to come quietly, or are we gonna have to do this the hard way?" He said with a sinister smirk

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