Ch. 29

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                                                                      Gracie POV 

I've been tailing Derek for a while, he's been tracking down Eric while the others are doing I really don't know, 

I am on a bench across the street watching the apartment building and that's when I see Derek, having off the edge of the building, 

"Damn it," I mumbled 

I entered the building running up the stairs as fast as I could, I find a two by four on my way up just in case, 

I see Eric Cross standing over Derek stepping on his hand, 

"If only Scott were here you see you fall to your death agent Morgan," He said 

I was right behind him 

I whistled, 

He spun around quickly, and quickly I hit him as hard as I could with the two by four, upside the head, 

he fell flat on his face on the ground, 

Just before Derek was about to let go, I landed on my stomach grabbing both of his wrists, He looked me in the eyes in shock, 

"Do I always have to bail you out of trouble?" I said 

                                          Derek POV 

I heard a commotion going on on the roof where I was hanging from, just as I was about to let go and fall to my death, 

Two hands wrapped around my wrists, I look up and my eyes meet a pair of icy blue eyes, I know those eyes anywhere, 

But it can't be,

"Do I always have to bail you out of trouble?" I feel like I haven't heard that voice for years, 

                                             Gracie POV 

I pulled Derek up, he was breathing heavy I stood up, before he could ask I took off, I need to remain hidden until he shows his face, 

But just as I got out of the building I was tackled, 

and I was flipped on my back, my hat fell off, 

"Gracie?" Derek said not believing what he was seeing 

Oh great this definitely wasn't part of my plan to get caught, I thought as I looked at Derek 

I know I've hurt him and a lot of people but it was for the best, and now I have a hell of a lot of explaining to do, 

And now my cover isn't only blown, I'm in to deep to even consider running off again, not to mention Derek has me pinned and let's face it he's bigger and stronger than me, not to mention all the medical issues I have thanks to Scott, 

"I can explain.." I mumbled 

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