The Funeral

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Authors note: Hey, I got a surprisingly good reaction to the first chapter so here's the next one. :)


Everyone had tears in their eyes as the queen's coffin was carried out of the hall. Arthur was a wreck and Merlin did his best to comfort him. Neither Arthur or Merlin had been in a good way since Gwen had died. Not only had they lost Gwen, but they lost Morgana and Mordred too.
This hit Arthur the hardest. He had become very fond of Mordred when he was a knight and Morgana was his sister. However, both Merlin and Arthur knew that the Morgana they loved was long gone, and the one that died on that battle field was so full of hatred, she could not be loved. This made it almost more sad.

As everyone said their final goodbyes, Arthur was sobbing and Merlin was trying his hardest to keep it together. Even Gaius and Leon shed a tear as Gwaine and Percival together carried the coffin out of the hall. As the doors closed behind them you could see them take one hand off the coffin to hold the others.

Once the funeral was over, Arthur made his way to his chambers as quickly as possible with Merlin following. He threw himself on the bed and began to sob uncontrollably. Merlin sat next to him and rubbed his shoulder.

An hour later Merlin awoke to realise he was still in Arthur's room. He got up and saw that Arthur was still awake, but had tears in his eyes.
"You must undress and sleep Sire" Merlin said softly.
The king did not respond or look in Merlin's direction.
"Please Arthur" he pleaded.
Arthur still looked completely blank.

Merlin sat the heartbroken Arthur up and began to undress him. He then lowered him into bed and tucked him in. He was about to leave the room when he said "goodnight Sire".

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