Finding Merlin

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Arthur and the knights continued down the path Hunith had shown them in silence. They reached a clearing and heard a twig crack. Arthur turned and motioned for the other knights to stay still. Then he heard someone breathing very heavily. Arthur peered around the tree and there was a sleeping Merlin.
Arthur shook the boy's shoulder and he cried out in pain, his eyes opening.
"Merlin, I'm so sorry! I'm the reason you ran away, I'm the reason you are hurt!" Arthur blurted.
"It's....fine." Merlin mumbled batting Arthur away with a weak hand, "I still like you Arthur, I blame you but it won't stop me liking you. I'm fine though, only a few bruises down my right shoulder and arm and a broken leg."
Arthur picked up the small boy and kissed his forehead, hauling him onto the back of his horse and signalling to the knights for them to begin the journey back home.

Merlin awoke again, after passing out on the journey back to Camelot. He realised he was in his bed, back in his room. He could hear Gaius pottering about in the room next door. Then he realised he was talking to someone. It was Arthur.
Merlin sat up and put a hand to his forehead. "Oww.," he mumbled.
Suddenly Gaius and Arthur stopped talking and Merlin heard footsteps. Gaius opened the door, "Merlin you are awake! There is someone here to see you."
Arthur appeared from behind Gaius and rushed to Merlin's side.
"Merlin, I'm sorry it's all my fault!" He blurted.
"Arthur it's fine, as I said before it doesn't stop me liking you," Merlin replies, quietly.
"Are you feeling better, Merlin?" Gaius inquired.
"Oh yes, I'll resume my servant duties in the morning."
"You will not!" Arthur cried, "you must take more time to recover!"
"Arthur is right, Merlin, your leg may not be broken but you still need to rest," Gaius explained.
"I'm going to get up" Merlin decided.
"Ok, would you like to take a walk with me?" Arthur said.
"Yeh sure"

Merlin and Arthur walked through the corridors in silence, until they reached Arthur's chambers.
"Can we talk, in here?" Arthur asked, gesturing to his room.
Merlin looked suddenly nervous.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything rash like last time." Arthur reassured, "I just want to talk."

Arthur opened the door and Merlin followed him inside and they both sat on the bed.
"So, we need to talk about what happened."
"Yes, we do."
"So...... I like you, it was hard for me to come to terms with it and when I kissed you the other day, it was a complete accident and I got out of control."
"Oh well... I like you too...... it was a nice surprise."
"Then why did you run away?"
"Because you said you wanted to forget about it and I was embarrassed."
"There's no need to be embarrassed, Merlin, it was my fault."
"Yeh, I guess."
"So if the feeling is mutual, would you like anything to happen between us?"
"Umm yeh.... but how can it? I'm a servant, you're the king."
"Yes, but no one cared when I was with Gwen."
"But I'm not a woman......"
"Yeh, but it will be fine!"
"But what if it won't work?"
"We don't know until we try"
Then Arthur pushed Merlin into the bed and their lips met. Again Merlin was tense but loosened into the kiss as Arthur's hand snaked up his shirt and reached his neck.
Suddenly, Leon burst through the door.
"Sire!" He shouted.
"Have you ever heard of knocking?" Arthur growled.
"Sorry, sire....." Leon mumbled, quickly leaving the room.

Merlin looked at Arthur in panic, "everyone knows now!" He exclaimed.
"Least we don't have to tell them." Arthur said trying to calm the boy down, "Merlin, now we have established that we are a thing, you should probably go....."
Merlin got up, "Yes I should, see you later?"
"Eight o'clock, I'll be waiting." Arthur winked.
"I look forward to it." Merlin grinned.
Arthur confidently walked into the throne room. He joined Leon, who had been waiting for him, by the window.
"Sir Leon, what is wrong?"
"It is Gwaine sire, he is very ill."
"That shouldn't be a problem, surely Gaius or Merlin could whip up a cure in no time."
"No sire, Percival took him to Gaius immediately and we've been told he has mere days."
"What's wrong with him!?"
"We are not sure but it is beyond Gaius' knowledge and without a proper diagnosis, Merlin cannot use his magic."
"Is there anything we can do?"
"Go visit him and make his last days comfortable."
"Ok, is there anything else, Leon?"
"Not really sire, however, may I inquire what was going on with Merlin earlier?"
"Leon that is none of your business!"
"Sorry sire, I will leave now."

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