A cheese that tastes like apple pie

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Percival and Gwaine were alone in their room, lying on the bed next to each other. Gwaine was shivering so was covered with many blankets and Percival wrapped his strong arms around him.
"If these are my last few days, I want to spend them in this bed, with you, eating as much fattening food as I can." Gwaine said.
"Ok, whatever you want, any food requests?" Percival answered, trying not to cry.
"Apple pie, cheese, a cheese that tastes like apple pie, I don't know."
"Ok, you look tired, everyone is coming to see you in an hour so you should get some sleep."
"Ok, only if you promise to stay."
"I promise."
They smiled at each other and drifted off to sleep.
"Gaius, is there anything we can do?" Arthur asked, hopefully.
"I'm not sure sire, the only thing I can think of is the achub bywyd plant." Gaius replied.
"The what plant?"
"The achub bywyd plant, it is said to cure any disease. I have a theory to where it is, however many have tried to find it and have not been seen since."
"We have to try, I'll take Merlin and Leon and we'll set off tomorrow!"
"Sire, this is a very dangerous mission, you would be severely risking your life!"
"I have to do it, Gwaine is a Knight. I will go and create a plan with Leon and I'll talk to Merlin later."
At 5 to 8 Merlin rushed to Arthur's chambers and knocked on the door. A lump rose in his throat and he quickly swallowed it back down, he had been waiting for this all day but was so nervous.
Arthur opened the door and his face lit up, he grabbed Merlin's hand and pulled the smaller boy inside. He picked Merlin up and laid him on the bed, both of them giggling.
Arthur climbed on top of Merlin and kissed him with a lot of force. Merlin shivered at the feeling of Arthur's strong lips against his own. Eventually, Arthur pulled away, both of them panting.
Arthur rolled off Merlin and waited to get his breath back.
"I've been waiting to do that all day" Arthur smiled.
Merlin smiled back and closed his eyes as Arthur scooped him up and put him on his lap. Merlin put his arms around Arthur.
"You were right this was a good idea." Merlin said.
"I told you so!" Arthur replied. "I'm not sure if this is the right time, but I need to ask if you'll come on a quest with me. Gaius told me about a plant, it's only a legend, but if it is real, it would be at least 5 days journey. It could cure Gwaine."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner!"
"Because I wanted a moment with you before I worried you, and besides, we can't leave till morning and Leon is preparing supplies and horses."
"I'll come, it's for Gwaine, I can't not come."
"Good, I didn't want to leave you" Arthur smiled.

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