I'm happy?

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Author's note: Hi, hope you are ready for this chapter because I loved writing it and I feel like this is where the story really starts!
Almost a year later

Merlin walked through the corridor, tears in his eyes. Gaius and Merlin had been very sad this morning as they were all remembering Gwen. It was the anniversary of her death.
Merlin carefully and quietly opened the door and entered Arthur's chambers to see him sat on his bed sobbing.
The King fell silent when he saw Merlin.
"Your breakfast sire."
"Put it on the end of the bed, thank you Merlin."
He put the breakfast on the end of the bed and turned to leave.
"Merlin" Arthur called, "come and sit."
Merlin obediently returned and sat next to Arthur.
"I just wanted to say sorry for how I've treated you. I didn't even say I was sorry when you first told me about your magic. I also wanted to say thank you for looking after me this past year, I wouldn't be here without you, neither would Camelot."
"It's my duty sire."
"You are more than just my servant to me Merlin."
The two young men stared at each other for a few seconds until Merlin broke the silence, "I must go sire."
He rushed from the room.

A few hours later, a service was held to remember Gwen. Arthur sobbed through the service and Merlin was only keeping it together for Arthur's sake.
Arthur and the knights said a few words. So did some of the castle's staff, including Merlin. Even Gaius gave a small speech.
Merlin felt so drained and so emotionally tired he was surprised how he wasn't crying, the pain of losing Gwen was very fresh again and he realised how much he really missed her. This was what he was going through, he couldn't imagine what Arthur was thinking.

Afterwards, Merlin and Arthur went back to Arthur's chambers. Arthur looked tense as Merlin opened the door for him. They walked in and as Merlin closed the door behind them and prepared to comfort the upset King, Arthur pushed him up against the door and kissed him with great force.
At first Merlin was shocked and tense but as Arthur's hand reached round to his back, he relaxed into the kiss.
Oh, how he'd dreamed of kissing Arthur, it was better than he could ever have imagined. Arthur's strong lips against his own.

Slowly Arthur pulled away, looking guilty. "Sorry that was uncalled for." He said.
"Oh no! Don't apologise! I should be sorry, it was unexpected.... but nice! I am happy?" Merlin stuttered.
"So you like me too...."Arthur said cautiously.
"Yes? I have had a massive crush on you for years Arthur."
"Well I think it would be best if no one knew this ever happened and we forgot this whole scenario."
"Umm yeh...."

Merlin left as quickly as possible, ran to his bedroom and cried into his pillow.

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