Oh, You Idiot

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Sorry this is short but hope you enjoyed :)

Merlin walked over to Arthur's room, nervous but excited. He knocked on the door and Arthur opened it with a cheeky grin.
"Come in" he said.
Merlin walked in and Arthur grabbed him and pushed him onto the bed and kissed him.
Merlin immediately sunk into the kiss. He was getting used to this. Arthur broke the kiss and pulled Merlin up to sit beside him.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Arthur asked.
"Won't Gaius notice? He might ask questions." Merlin answered.
"No! It'll be fine. Also, I'm the king, if he questions, I answer."
"Ok, but I don't have any nightclothes, I could go back and get some."
"You can borrow some of mine."

Arthur walked to a drawer and got a blue shirt and shorts and handed them to Merlin. The smaller boy went behind the changing curtain and began to get undressed.
"No need to pull the curtain, Merlin, you are staying here for the night after all." Arthur said, confidently pulling away the curtain, revealing a naked Merlin.
The smaller boy went bright red and got changed as quickly as possible. The night clothes were very big on Merlin, which made Arthur laugh as he motioned for Merlin to climb into bed.

Merlin did as he was told and Arthur turned to put his strong arms around Merlin's waist. Merlin shivered but eventually relaxed and they both fell asleep in each other's arms. Arthur snores loudly, but Merlin didn't mind. He was just content in the moment.


The next morning, Arthur awoke to find Merlin still asleep beside him. He got out of bed, accidentally waking the smaller boy up. Merlin yawned and stretched his arms, smiling.
"I must get back, Gaius will be looking for me." He says.
"I know. Come back tonight?" Arthur asked.
"If I can." Merlin said hopefully, pulling on his trousers and leaving Arthur to get ready for breakfast.

He walked back to his room and Gaius stopped him.
"Where have you been?" He asked.
"Visiting Gwaine." Merlin lied.
"I just saw Gwaine, he hasn't seen you. Is that Arthur's night shirt?"
"Ummm.. no.... I.... um...."
"Oh you idiot. Go get changed, I have some jobs for you to do."

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