The Quest

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Author's note: Hi, I've had exams so I haven't written anything for a while. I'm back now :)

Merlin, Arthur and Leon loaded their supplies onto their horses and prepared to leave. Percival hugged Merlin, "Be back soon, Merlin, I don't know how much longer he has left."
Merlin nodded and the larger man gave him a pat on the shoulder.

The three young men left the citadel in search of the achub bywyd plant, guided by the map and sketch of the plant in Merlin's satchel.

By noon they were out of the kingdom and into an unknown forest. Merlin hated being away from Camelot, he was scared to think Gwaine would be gone when they got back. Arthur's reassuring glances kept him going.

The next thing Merlin knew, he was on the ground, knocked of his horse by a bandit. He saw Arthur rush to save him but he became unconscious before he reached him.
"Sire, I think I found something!" Leon called.
Arthur sped up and reached Leon, he was still carrying Merlin on his horse so was considerably slower.

Arthur looked at the drawing, "that's the one!"
Leon went to grab it but a thorn pricked his thumb and he yelled in pain.
"What is it?" Arthur asked.
"I've been cut, and I think the plant is poisonous." Leon said.
"Oh, let me try." Arthur said.

Arthur pulled his gloves on and picked it up successfully. He put it into a leather pouch and got back in his horse.
Merlin began to wake up and grabbed onto Arthur's shoulder as he began to slide off the horse.

"Merlin you are awake! You have been asleep for days." Arthur said, "could you take a look at Leon's hand, we think he has been poisoned."
"Yeh sure" Merlin mumbled rubbing his head. He got off the horse and shuffled over to Leon and examined his hand. "It's just a simple plant poison, your hand will swell a bit and it might be painful but it's not life threatening."

The three of them arrived at Camelot a few days later. Gwaine was losing his grip on life, they arrived with little time to spare.
Gaius produced the antidote as quick as possible and delivered it to the sick knight. He gulped it down and instantly passed out. Gaius checked his pulse and informed Percival that he may be asleep for a few days while he heals.

Percival stayed with Gwaine everyday until he was better and eventually he was.

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