Where's Arthur?

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Heya. I know I haven't written in AGES but I had a break from writing to get a social life and that didn't work out so I am back again. :) Also, this story now has over 4k views and that's a lot so thanks xx

Two months later...

Merlin rushed to Arthur's chambers with a set of clean evening clothes, opening the door one-handed and putting the clothes on the bed. Arthur was sat at his desk writing his speech for that evening's meal.

"Merlin, you're here, I would like you to check over this speech for me."
"Of course, what shall I be doing tonight anyway?"
"Well, it is only princess Scarlet and prince Thomas visiting and they are not here for anything other than social reasons so I see no reason for you to not be posed as my advisor and friend of the crown."
"So not a servant."
"No, now please read the speech!"
"Ok! Calm down."

Merlin read the speech, it was typical of something Arthur would write.
"It's good. Quite wordy." he remarked.
"That's how a good King's speech should be."
"Whatever you say, I'm not a King am I?"
"Not yet." Arthur said under his breath. Merlin heard.

That evening

Merlin was sat at the King's table with Arthur on his left and Gaius on his right. Everyone was sat awaiting Arthur's speech.
After a few moments of looking nervous, Arthur got up and began to speak,
"Everyone, today we are celebrating the visit of princess Scarlet and prince Thomas and to congratulate them on their marriage. We are honoured to have them here tonight and wish them well on their life together. Now everyone, enjoy your food."
Everyone clapped and Merlin smiled, proud of Arthur. He had always been very good at speeches.

Merlin ate his meal in almost silence as Gaius was busy talking to Leon and Arthur was talking to their visitors. He glanced at Arthur every now and then and thought about what Arthur had said earlier. "Not yet." He imagined what marrying Arthur would be like and then shook the thought from his mind as everyone finished their meal and headed to the great hall for the ball Arthur had planned.

Merlin smiled as he saw Gwaine take Percival's hand and lead him to the dance floor. Both had obviously drunk too much mead.
He thought about finding Arthur but thought the better of it. He wasn't in a dancing mood so just went to a corner and sat with Leon and Gaius.

An hour or so later, people were beginning to retire to bed and Merlin went in search of Arthur. First he found Percival sat at a table with another knight discussing types of chain mail with a lot of interest that Merlin didn't understand.
"Percy, have you seen Arthur?" he asked.
"Umm... no, haven't seen Gwaine either. Strange." the larger man replied.
"Yeah, strange. I'll go looking for them."

Merlin searched the ball room with no luck so checked the dining room. He wasn't there either. Finally he checked a few corridors and that was when he saw him.

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