Chapter 5

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The driver opened the door for us and Leonardo got out first. He offered a hand out for me as I was getting out of the car, so I grabbed it but quickly let go of it as soon as my feet were on the ground again. His expression changed to something I couldn't pinpoint, but it quickly went back to be emotionless soon after. However, I didn't dwell on it for too long, there were much more pressing matters that I had to attend to at the moment.

We walked up to the door with Leonardo carrying my backpack yet again. I just walked in considering that I lived there, with Leo trailing behind me.

"Mom, dad?" I called out assuming that they were home considering they were preparing for the dinner.

"In the kitchen sweetheart," I heard my mom's voice and I nudged my head for Leonardo to follow me.

We walked to the kitchen and it seemed like a mess. There were cooks everywhere preparing food, people were setting up the table with the nicest china, it was all a bit much considering that this was a dinner between six people.

"Hi mom, this is a bit much don't you think?" I asked her referring to the chaos of the kitchen.

"Nonsense honey, I just want everything to be perfect for later," she told me before her eyes locked on the incredibly large boy standing behind me. "Oh my God, Leonardo is that you? I haven't seen you in forever, my God you have grown so much. Oh and so handsome too," she gushed while pulling him into a hug.

He looked stunned at first before accepting her hug, "It's good to see you again Mrs. Moon," he told her while pulling away from the hug.

"Oh please call me Lauren," she looked down to the watch on her hand, "Gosh you guys are early, dinner won't be starting for another hour, Aria why don't you go show Leonardo around the house, you guys could go to the theater room!" She smiled at me, but I knew this wasn't up for debate.

I squinted my eyes at her, "Sure mom, cmon Leonardo, we'll stop at my room first."

I led him through the living room and up the stairs before going down the hall to the last door on the left. We walked in and immediately was welcomed by my happy place. My room was decorated around the color yellow, and honestly, it was very aesthetically pleasing. My mom hired a well known interior designer who put together the room of my dreams. The bed was huge and had white comforters and lots of pillows that were decorated with whites and yellow. My closet was huge, but because my mother was a fashion designer, I had no choice but to love fashion as well and I needed enough storage to fit it all. Lastly was my ensuite bathroom that had white marble flooring, gold accents, and a huge shower.

"Cute room," he said while putting my backpack on the table next to the door, before walking over to my bed and sitting down.

I took off my blazer, placing it on my desk chair. "Thank you."

"Come sit next to me," he said patting the spot next to him.

I walked over and sat down on the far end of the bed keeping some space between the two of us.

He smirked, "You can come closer, I won't bite."

I hesitantly moved closer next to him, content with the space between us. That was until I felt his hands grab my waist and pull me closer to him until our legs and shoulders were touching. A squeak left my mouth at the sudden movement and I felt my face get red for what seemed like the thousandth time today.

His smirk seemed like it got even bigger, "There, now we're good."

Now that we were alone, this was my chance to get some answers from him. The house tour would have to wait until later.

"Leo can I ask-" I began but was quickly cut off.

"What did you call me?" he asked me with an amused look in his eyes.

My face was flushed and I couldn't understand what the big deal was, "Leonard-"

"No, what did you call me before?"


"I've never had anyone that wasn't my parents call me anything other than Leonardo, but I do like that nickname coming from your mouth." He told me and although the joking tone was there, I knew that he was being serious.

"Okay," I said trying to get us back onto the topic we were on before, which was me getting some answers. "Now that we're alone, you can answer my question from before."

However, Leo seemed to want to continue joking around because he wasn't taking me seriously. "Could you please refresh my memory from before? I don't seem to recall any question being asked." His eyes were full of amusement and he seemed to love making me all squirmy and uncomfortable.

I stood my ground and wasn't going to let him distract me from my answers and I raised my eyebrows, "I asked you earlier why you were so nice to me."

He thought about it for a second, "Why do you think I'm so nice to you?"

Are you kidding me? Why was he so frustrating?

I rolled my eyes, "Don't try to flip this around like that. If it's not a big deal why don't you just answer my question then?" I got up to stand in front of him and I crossed my arms over my chest.

He got up as well and began taking slow steps towards me, all amusement that was there once before was gone and replaced with a look of challenge. "Who said it wasn't a big deal?" he asked me while walking closer to me. The more steps he took towards me, the more steps I took backwards trying to put some distance between us.

I don't think that Leo was trying to keep any distance between us, because soon enough my back hit the edge of the desk. He placed his arms on both sides of me, trapping me in. He leaned down so that his face was directly in front of mine and I stopped breathing. His lips were inches away from mine and for some reason, I couldn't stop looking at them. Even weirder was that I wanted to see what they felt like on mine. I don't know why I was having these thoughts, especially about Leo. 

"And maybe I quite enjoy seeing you become all hot and flustered trying to get answers from me, but I think you and I both know that you know why I'm so nice to you," his face leaned in and I felt his lips so close to my ear. He whispered, "It's because you're m-"

Before he could finish, he was interrupted by a knock at the door. I quickly pushed him away from me, my body feeling much cooler without his practically on top of me.

I cleared my throat before answering, "Come in!" I smoothed out my skirt quickly and tried to make the red on my cheeks disappear.

The door opened and I recognized it as one of the women that work around the house for my parents, "Miss. Moon, you both have been summoned into the dining room."

"Thank you, Mrs. Smith, we are on the way down," I told her with a smile. She closed the door shortly after and I was again left with Leo.

He walked towards the door and opened it, "After you sweetheart," he held it open for me. I walked through but not before his hand grabbed mine stopping me. His face leaned in again and I felt his lips right next to my ear before whispering, "Maybe we can finish our conversation later."

My face turned even redder and instead of answering, I just walked away hurrying to get away from him. My body was hot and I needed to cool down before facing his family and mine. I felt him walking behind me, and all I could think about was how much I enjoyed him being so close to me for some weird reason.

Why did I enjoy Leo being so close to me? 


I never mentioned this before but if you are enjoying the story leave a vote or a comment! I would love to see what you guys think about it!

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