||13 Outburst and Apology||

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It was an enchanting morning the next day, it seemed like the nature was happy, smiling at everyone...trying to tell them that something beautiful will be fall, soon. Something that would turn the tables so quick that it wouldn't be even noticeable that how changes occurred and how abhorrence turned into admiration.

Unlike every day Irfa didn't go to the backyard for a walk but Shehreyar was already there, of course for apologizing because he hadn't said sorry yet. He was a man of talent and capabilities, but he didn't know that to say a simple sorry it would take him this much time. Sighing in frustration he got up from the lawn chair as it was already past sunrise, and she hadn't come.

Sana and Imran were invited for lunch and when they arrived the whole house became chaotic once again. The younger got busy in teasing the hell out of the newly-weds while the elders just smiled seeing the happy faces of their progeny.

“Aapi, what did you get for muh dikhai?” Shifa asked in a teasing tone and the irony was that Sana wasn't blushing as much Imran was. He was legit looking like a tomato.

“This, that too after reminding that muh dikhai bhi di jati hai (the gift is also given)?” Sana too teased the blushing groom making everyone laugh at that. It was a beautiful ring and for some time Irfa just forgot looking at anything else, the piece of jewelry reminded her of her mother. It was strikingly similar.

“Guys, shouldn't we get a treat of their marriage?” It was Noor, Sana's friend who asked and that was it the youngsters started demanding for the treat and the loud noise made Shehreyar come out of his room. As soon as he entered the living room a smile formed on his face. The scene was adorable, seeing everyone trouble the couple and them blushing at their remarks.

“Ok fine, after lunch. Ice cream treat will do?” Imran spoke and a hooting of yes echoed in the room.

The treat session was amazing, more than eating the gang was busy in doing fun. They hadn't left the new couple for a single moment, teasing them uncontrollably. Even the people in the restaurant started laughing listening to Khizir's hilarious remark on Imran's blushing. On the way back Shehreyar had tried to take Irfa with him but to his utter dismay his car again betrayed and not only Irfa but no one could come with him. Anyhow, he had started the car and when went to mechanic they said it was perfect.



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The reception was in one of the biggest hotels of the city. Imran himself was a businessman and the news of his wedding was no less than a wildfire. Many leading businessmen and well known people of the country were invited in addition to relatives and friends.

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