Trapped Rat

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Multiple detectives were on the second floor of the school. Some where taking photos of suspicious "evidence" and others were discussing and jotting notes into their small notepad. Jake and Taylor made their way past all the concerned detectives that not only were trying to find evidence, but trying to figure out who the missing school shooter was and where is he?

Jakes precinct was clearly not overly concerned on the lose shooter, as the other police departments can solve the case. They were all too fixated on finding Amy.

They both walked round the corner, to the empty area that Amy was taken. Jake then spotted the door he previously saw in the footage that the shadow was in.

He slipped on rubber gloves and slowly turned the handle, as it squeaked through the hallways. He finally opened it to an empty janitorial closet. Jakes eyes scanned the room for any small traits. He even got down on his hands and knees. Taylor stood back leaning on the lockers, smacking her gum.

"Found anything" she said.

"No. Cause it would be very helpful if you can join me!"

jake replied quick and bitter.

Taylor rolled her eyes, pushing her body off the lockers to help. She just stood their looking at jake, she then slapped her hands against the side of her legs in a huff.

"So what do I do now?"

"Look! Like a normal detective will do."

She then just looked behind her and back at jake who was still on the floor.

"What about the door handle?"

she said. Finally speaking up.

"What about it?"

"Well, surely the figure didn't have any gloves on. It was clear in the footage. So he obviously opened the door with his bare hands. So, in conclusion... What I'm saying is that his prints is still on this handle."

Jake jumped up, surprised at Taylor.

"Tay! You are a genius!!"

She smirked and shurrged her shoulders.

"Eh, it's nothing."

Jake then contacted one of the investigators from the precinct. No sooner or later, they arrived that the scene. They pulled out a white powder to make the prints more visable to see. They then dusted it with a brush with very fine, soft bristles. Jake watched them closely on how cool and unique it was to collect a simple pattern of a finger print. He found this a very reliable way of identifying the suspect and finally finding Amy.

The investigators then got out tape and discreetly placed it over the finger prints. They then bagged it up and took it away. One the officers paced towards jake.

"Good work detective!" he said shaking his hand.

"Oh with all do respect sir, it wasn't me. It was Taylor here, our new detective in the precinct."

Taylor then did a small innocent wave behind jake.

"AHH! I see! Well.. Well done detective. We will give you the results as soon they are ready."

"Thank you sir." replied jake.

Jake turned around to Taylor, with a proud look.

"I'm surprised! Even for your first time. Plus for minute I thought you didn't care"

"what!? Of course I care, I want to find Amy. She seems sweet and is definitely close to the precinct."

Jake then checked the time.

Romantic stylez// Jake x AmyWhere stories live. Discover now