I'm Sorry

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Jake ran out the hospital doors greeting the horrible weather outside.

The sky was covered with a thick dark cloud and the smell of the damp ground filled the atmosphere. The rain smacked off the roof tops of cars and buildings and everything was just painted with dull colours.Jake felt his anger now  balling up and changing into sadness.

The sound of the rain reminded him of a memory of when he first met Amy.


Jake was sitting in his car, drinking his coffee, that was over loaded with sugar. The rain was bouncing off his car window which filled the car with noise, blocking the quietness he was currently sitting in. Suddenly he saw a girl standing outside in the dark waving her hand around.

Must be looking for a taxi...

He sipped at his drink continuing to stare at the girl ahead who was getting drenched in the rain.

Should I help?

She then waved her hand at one of the cars coming by, you can tell in her face she was finally excited a taxi was going to stop for her. The car slowed down and she made her way to the door. Just as she reached the door handle the car drove away, making a massive puddle splash all over her. The dark haired girl shouted


and flopped on the dripping ground. Jake felt bad for her, she was drenched and had no ride. He set his coffee down and got out of his car, approaching her. She was quietly sobbing.

"Hey?" he said soflty

The dark haired girl looked up to see jake. She was wearing grey pants and a matching blazer, including a pink shirt underneath. But it was all soaked in nature's shower.

"Hey...?" she replied

"How's your shower going?" he joked, trying to make her feel better.

"Haha... Its going well thanks."

Jake then lifted his hand out for her to grab. The girl didn't hesitate and took his hand and pulled herself up.

"I'm Jake peralta by the way"

"Amy, Amy Santiago."

"...wait didnt you just join the precinct today?"

"Yeah, I did"

"Oh, cool cool cool cool.. Anyway, I could help to see you looking like a sad wet cloth, so do you wanna ride?"

"I would love that, thank you"

He took off his leather jacket and placed it around her. They both got into the car and closing the door shut.

"You want coffee?" jake said. Holding his cup directly at her.

"Oh sweet sweet coffee!"

Amy grabbed the coffee out of his hands and sipped at it, then making a sour face.

"UGH! How many sugars did you put in this!?"


Romantic stylez// Jake x AmyWhere stories live. Discover now