Taylors Prize.

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"What do you mean she is dead!!?" she yelled in a whisper

"Pumpkin I'm sorry, but she must of bled out"

Taylor was pacing backwards and forwards in the bathrooms, bitting her nails in a contemptuous way. She didn't want her dead yet. She wanted Amy to suffer slowly. But it was all too late.

"Did you even remove the bullet!!?" she said.

"uhh. Well you see pumpkin.."

"You idiot! I'll be round in five minutes"

She slammed her finger on the end call button. She then placed her two hands on one of the sinks, spread equally on each side. Taylor lifted her head and looked deep into her eyes filling with rage. She gripped her hands on the sink making her knuckles go pale white.

"This is all wrong. This is all gone wrong!"

Taylor smashed her fist into the mirror making it shatter onto the floor. The noise bounced off the walls making it echo through her ears. Taylors breathing was aggressive. She stood there looking at the glass on the floor while gripping her bleeding fist tightly.

Suddenly Rosa burst in the bathroom, seeing the shattered glass and her standing there with a crazy look.

"What the hell did you do Irvine!!?"

Taylor stared at her. She looked uneasy and slightly scary, even for Rosa. The dark rims under her eyes made her look crazy and the blood on her wrist made it look worse. Rosa was surprised she was slightly petrified of her at this time.

"It was an accident. That's all." Taylor croaked. Still having her head hanging slightly low.

"This is no accident. Stop the bullshit!"

She rolled her eyes and wiped her hair out of her eyes.

"I need to go..."

"I don't think so missy. You ain't going anywhere"

"I think you find I am, Rosa." she said getting close in her face. Rosa stepped back holding her anger, knowing she would actually kill her with the cold free knife on the side that was always hidden with her jacket. It was like a buddy. But with a bad advantage.

"Taylor. You ain't leaving."

Rosa then got down on her knees and started to pick up the big shards of glass, her back was turned to Taylor but she continued to talk.

"You've been leaving too many times. I'm on to you, I know you have Amy. Your not leaving"

She then got up and turning to Taylor holding a gun right to her face. The muzzle of the pistol was locked on her face, and all Rosa did was freeze in fright.

"And neither are you."

Rosa then grabbed the gun and twisted her arm and pinning her onto the floor. Taylor then tried to grab the gun in front but Rosa stood on her hand with her heel and kicked the deadly weapon further away. She then grabbed her by the blonde hair and smashed her face off the floor.

Taylor then spun her body around so quick, it lost Rosa's sight. She then kicked her in the face making her fall backwards holding her nose. Rosa slammed on her back groaning in pain. Taylor shot up and grabbed the gun, pointing it at Rosa and slowly making her way towards her. She kicked Rosa yelling at her.

"Get up!"

Rosa finally got up, holding her arms in surrender.

"Good! Now this is what's going to happen. Your not leaving and I am, and you can't do anything to stop me. Now night night Rosa.."

Romantic stylez// Jake x AmyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora