Chapter 1: Freedom (Has been revised)

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The dirt beneath my paws was as cool as a lake in the the summer breeze. It felt great to be back outside. My senses were keen and high as I scanned the open field in front of me, smelling the sweet fragrance of Lilly's.
The birds were chirping in the tree above me, I glanced up and turned my ears towards the singing.

This couldn't be any better. For years I had lived in a cold, dark basement chained up like a beast.I admit, I kinda was one. I am powerful and my jaws couldn snap an arm in half. but that doesn't mean I should be fed raw bloody meat and drink from a dirty bucket. No they treated me like an actual beast.

They said it would make my skin tougher. They said that I would be their gladiator and to be honest I felt like one. Every time I stepped out into that ring and heard the growls of my opponent's. Adrenaline would flow through my veins and I would get excited. Excited to have their blood pour into my mouth. Excited to watch the fear fill their eyes as I taunted them with my reflection.

But after a few wins they wanted me to be stronger. They would lead me to a small room and beat me with a leather belt. I never understood what I did to deserve it, but I soon got tired of going to sleep with new gashes on my backside. The pain kept me awake at night and the cuts began to get infected.

Last night they had brought me to the room. I don't recall what happened, but when I woke up their bodies pay on the floor torn open. I didn't think, just ran for the door and I have been running ever since.

I ran all night and now here I am. Staring into this endless field of freedom. I looked back at the field and stood up. I wanted to run, run through the Lilly's and weeds until I died, but something was holding me back. I couldn't tell what though. A van had pulled up and two men had gotten out. I was to wrapped up in my thoughts to notice it.

When I finally did they had spotted me and I them.

"Here's a beauty" one of the men said as he pointed towards me. The other guy laughed and walked to the back of the van. Opening it up he pulled out a large black net followed by a large piece of red meat. He handed the meat to his mate and I watched as he crouched and started whistling.

"Here girl, come on, hungry?" He coaxed. I licked my chops, I hadn't eaten since yesterday morning and my stomach was growling. I took a step forward, but stopped when the guy with the net moved toward me a inch. I lowered my head and let out a low growl. I could tell exactly what they were doing, did they think I was dumb?

"Easy there easy" he said as he backed up. The man with the steak laughed and then threw me the piece.

"Let's set up the trap and come back tomorrow" he said as he stood up and walked to the back of the van. The meat was so close, but I had to take three more steps. I looked at the young men who were busy dragging something out of the back end. Then looked back at the meat and licked my chops. My stomach growled and that was my cue. I ran towards the meat, snatched it and ran into the field without looking back. I ran so fast that I made it to the other side of the field in less than one minute.

"She's fast" the man stated as he set the cage down on the pavement road.

"She's in great fit to,except for those wounds. They need to be treated" the other replied. They squinted their eyes to try and make out the dogs body from across the field. They stood there for awhile and then set to work on the trap.

The red liquid coarsed my dry throat as I swallowed huge chunks of the meat. I looked across the field and watched the van pulled away. The day was getting late, so I trudged into the woods looking for a place to rest for the night. I spotted a hollwed out log and crawled into it.

The night was wet and cold. I whimpered as the rain, seeped through the cracks of the log and hit the infected cuts on my back. I couldn't sleep, so I laid there scanning the wooded floor and listening to the rain hit the log. I must've dozed off at some point because when I opened my eyes the sun was shuning and the rain had drifted away. I crawled out of the log and stretched into the warm breeze.

My stomach growled for more food. I sniffed the air for prey. Nothing, I sighed and sat down. The two men could have left more meat, I thought to myself. I decided to head back to the field. Once I had gotten there,I stood on the edge of the woods and scanned the spot I had seen them at.

No van, I sighed and walked across the field and to the tree. There sat a large black metal enclosure. I stopped and sniffed the ground for any signs of danger.

I didn't trigger anything,but the hair on my back stood up as I slowly walked around the enclosure. I could smell the meat that was inside. It was fresh and gave off a magnificent scent. I stopped at the opening and peered inside, there was a plate filled with red meat. I sat down at the enterance and slowly slipped my head inside. I couldn't reach the plate, as it had been sat at the back of the box.

I put one paw forward and leaned in closer, but I still couldn't reach. I moved my other paw in an reached a bit farther. My back legs were still stuck firmly to the ground just outside of the box .I reached my open jaw out to the meat that was closest to me and ended up grabbing the edge. I quickly dashed out, but Nothing happened. I made sure to put a safe distance between me and that weird box. Then started on my breakfast.

When I finished I headed back to grab another piece. Nothing happened the first time so now I was a little bit more comfortable stepping my front paws in. I leaned in, but couldn't reach the meat. I hesitated and then slowly put my left back paw in. I reached out and grabbed another piece.

I dashed out and once again put a safe distance between me and the enclosure. I quickly ate this piece and trotted back for the final one. I put both front paws in and my back one. I stood their staring at the single red meat lying on the plate. It was practically pleading for me to take it, but I couldn't reach it. I decided to put my right back foot in and thats when the door snapped shut.

I yelped and turned around. My hair stood up on my back as high as it could go,as I began freaking out. I tried pushing the door open, but it wouldn't budge. I did so many circles, clawed at the sides, but couldn't find a way out.

I was so exhausted, I ended up laying down onto the cool metal floor. From a basement to a box, nice one. About an hour later I heard a van door slide open and the familiar voices of the men start up a conversation. I froze and held my breath, still lying on the floor.

"Oh come on $10" the man said.

"No I'm not betting anything. We just set the trap out" the other replied.

"She could be starving though and she's hurt. Her guard could be down" the man said as he neared their trap. He poked his head around the side and looked in throughone of the slits. I growled and lunged at the side. The man was caught off guard and stumbled back, falling to the ground.

"No way!" He exclaimed excitedly.

"Well her guard is definitely not down" the other man stated,as he helped his friend up from the ground. The man laughed and walked toward the trap. He grabbed one side to lift it up, but quickly dropped it when I lunged at the wall again.

"We're going to have to sedate her" he said, looking to his friend. The guy nodded and he stepped away, walking back to the van. He returned minutes later with a gun in hand. I knew what it was because "they" used to use it to break up my fights. I lowered my head and growled.
He slid the muzzle slightly into the box and a noise rang out. Followed by a sharp pain in my hind leg.

I growled and snarled, as he slid the muzzle back out. My eyes started to become heavy and my legs began to wobble.

Woah, this doesn't feel right. All of a sudden I collapsed the floor and blacked out.

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