chap 2

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Third Person POV

Months later and the soon to be genin sat half listening to Iruka's speech. what they didn't know was that they were being watched. The soon to be sensei's were watching their possible teams.

"well let's start the teams.....'' all listened for their name to be called. " Team 7 Sasuke, Sai, and Sakura your Sensei is….huh they finally let him take a team," Iruka paused then whispered, "could have been for a better reason though."

"Who wouldn't be granted a team before if they wanted one?" asked a confused Jonin. "Ahh, you'll know." the kage said. Everyone looked back to the class.

"umm Iruka Sensei who is it?'' questioned Sakura. " ah yes right Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." he replied. whisperer's broke out. "Wait you mean Namikaze as in related to the fourth Hokage?'' a student asked only to receive a srug in response.

"you really let him take a team that's plain stupid." Jonin said, looking around for Naruto only to jump when a hand was on his shoulder. " really plain stupid is that because of him." Naruto pointed to the fox in his hair.

"Is that a threat fox brat," the very brave stupid but brave Jonin said glaring.
half of them tensed at the mention of the fox plus ya know the scary ass look Naruto had directed at said Jonin. The room waited in silence for the next move.

"Yo Naru your scaring half the people here geez.'' our fave scarecrow lazily said as the pressure disappeared. "shesh your no fun Kashi, I wasn't gonna do anything bad to him.'' Naruto said with a smirk evident as he walked over. Everybody else just sweatdropped at the scene.

Naruto's POV

" It's been twenty minutes, let's go in shall we." Kuruma shifted, " Yes, I don't want to be Hatake late."

I stared, "Kuruma, only he could do that and know one knows how he does it in the first place."

I opened the door only to get yelled at. "You're late." holy shit this girl can scream it only a matter of time before... " You damn brats, shut it, I'm trying to sleep." they froze.

"Well umm sorry about being late but umm don't be too loud but hey at least I'm not Hatake late."  this got a confused look. "Hatake late, what's that?" Sakura asked, lucky soul to never have experienced it… yet.

"Well my friend is 3 hours late for most stuff so we made it a fraze."
They look horrified. I feel that. "ok now that that's over we'll introduce ourselves then you'll come with me. you are first." I pointed to Sakura.

" I am Sakura hanuro. I like reading, flowers, and I dislike mean people. My dream for the future is to be successful and have a family." she ended with a slight blush.

Sai went next, " I am sai. I like painting. I dislike traitor's. My dream is to always serve the exceptional." Then it was Sasuke's turn.

" I am Sauske Uchiha. I like things. I dislike a lot of things. My dream is to restore my clan and bring someone to justice."

"Ok my turn I am Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. I like ramen and seals. umm I dislike liars. my dream, well you'll have to wait to know that. so, any questions? "

"umm Sensei, why is the animal on your head?" Sakura asked.

"ah you mean kuruma he's umm kinda like a ninja pet. "sure ninja pet" yes he can talk and he is one cranky fox but skilled nonetheless. anything else? no, good, follow me.'' Then we left for my house.

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