Chap 12

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///yes i realized in the last chapter i didn't do the fight between sasuke and lee but it didn't happen since they walked right past the door not stopping to be noticed.///

Third pov

Naruto had just left for the Hokage's office. He walked through the door prompting the third to stop and stare. “Naruto, what's wrong, it must be serious for you to use the door,” He knew Naruto well.

“As I dropped off my team I caught a scent coming from the room. He is here in the village. My best guess is he's after Sauske,” Naruto calmly stated with a small hint of anger.

The Third sighed disappointed, "This troublesome student of mine. What do you think we should do about Naruto?"

"I would like to follow my team in the Forest but only interfere if he shows up. You can send Anko and a squad in to look for him in other parts of the forest. I would also like Kakashi with me as backup if things escalate beyond my control," Naruto laid out his plan.

The Hokage nodded, accepting the plan, "Ok, we’ll do that but not helping your team before that happens."

Naruto nodded and looked at the clock, “well it seems my team should be done with the first test soon. That would be all to my report now if you'll excuse me. I have a team to congratulate,” Naruto took a step back then ran right to the window.

“Damn knew it wouldn’t last long,” the Third smiled nonetheless.

He sighed and called out to the anbu, “Summon Anko to my office immediately.”

A few swishes later a anbu stood in front of the Kage. “Sir she will come after her introduction about the second part of the exam,” he then disappeared into the shadows.

Soon Anko appeared in front of the kages desk. "You wanted to see me Hokage-sama,'' she asked.

“Ah yes, I've been informed of something troubling. Orochimaru is taking part in the exam disguised as a genin. His most probable target is Sasuke Uchiha who is also in the exams," He addressed calmly.

"WHAT!" she screamed, unconsciously putting her hand where her mark used to be.

The Third spoke in a voice devoid of emotion, "Now be quiet, Naruto was the one who informed me and we have a plan set. He and Kakashi will follow his team in case and you will take some anbu and check the forest after the genin go in for the test. Now sit and we will discuss your part."

She nodded and sat down.

////Place Transfer No Jutsuuuuuu////

Everyone left the exam room after Anko left through the window. Team seven and the sand siblings were waiting at the academy entrance for Naruto to show up. They stood in awkward silence when an bright flash of flames revealed Naruto in front of them.

"Good you guys are together already, let’s go get food. We have to celebrate you passing the first part of the exam, plus I got some free coupons for ramen to use up y'know." he said holding up said coupons.

"Always ramen with you naru-chan," Garra mumbled.

"Hey, we get to visit that ramen place you always talked about,” Temari turned to him.

"Ohh yeah you said you would treat us to it when we come here, I totally forgot," Kankuro finished.

Soon they arrived after walking through the streets. "Here we are, time to eat," Naruto ran in.

"You guys live with him right?" Temari asked.

"Yes we do, it's an amazing place," Sakura paused, “how did you know that we live with him?”

“He said he wanted to do that if he ever got a team…” before Temari could say more, Kankuro spoke up.

“Hey, are his walls accented orange in his room?”

The three nodded to the odd question and were very confused.

Garra smirked, “You both owe me money.”

"You guy bet on the color of his room?" Sakura asked.

"Yes, We thought it would be red or yellow accented," Temari pointed to her and Kankuro, "and Garra said it would be orange."

"Guys I ordered for you, are you coming?" Naruto poked his head out.

They went in and ate with Naruto, eating 20 bowls. I mean, where does all that go? Then they separated ways and went home for the night.

///Bam done and caught up with re editing this story\\\\

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