chap 5

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I wanna say thank for reading this book it may not be a lot of readers but it mean a lot that your reading my book


Third POV

"Good job guys." Naruto then summoned a silver fox.

"Yes, Naruto-sama."

"SAMA!!" the genin shouted. Naruto coughed/laughed looking very amused.

"Please take these two to the village with this scroll," Naruto paused writing something down then gave it to the fox it left in a huge poof.

They started walking again. " Hey sensei, why were there ninja after us, Isn't that supposed to happen in higher rank missions?'' questioned Sakura.

Tezuna flinched at the question. "Well Sakura that's cause this isn't a c rank it's higher but my guess is they can't afford anything higher right Tezuna." Naruto turned his head to look at Tezuna who nodded.

"That's right Gato cut us off, depriving the village of money and goods. since I'm the head for building the bridge to open the wave, he wants me dead."

" Well shall we continue my little devil's?" came the obvious question. all nodded, determined to complete the mission. They got to shore and boarded a boat. It was mostly a silent ride. minutes later a huge bridge came into view through the mist.

"Wow, you're building that," exclaimed an amazed Sakura.

"Yes, once done the country will be free.'' Tezuna replied.

"shhhh be quiet. We don't wanna get caught, why do ya think there's no motor." the boat person whispered. Soon they got to the island, thanked the boat person, then left.

There was a strange shift in the air Naruto paused, closing his eyes. "Sensei, what's wrong?" Sakura asked.

Then he heard the whizz of a blade. His eyes snapped open, "Get Down Now!"

Everyone was down when a huge blade flew over their heads, planting into a tree almost taking it down. A person with face bandages and cow pants landed on the sword then spoke. "Hey ninja, hand over the bridge builder or die here and n..." he stopped.

Sasuke's POV

The guy stopped in the middle sentence once his eyes landed on sensei." I never thought you'd be here, the bloody fox of the leaf." his voice cut through the quiet.

"Zabuza, demon of the hidden mist, you're working for hire now?" Naru Sensei counters. "Team protect Tezuna now in sequence 14." We jumped around Tezuna then the mist got too thick to see through.

Wait, that guy knew sensei, Is he really that strong? The name bloody fox of the leaf sounds nothing like our cheerful sensei. I'll ponder on it later

"Seven points that kill instantly." said a voice from all around us. Zabuza then appeared behind me only to be run through by a sword. The sword had a yellow and red hold and a black blade. It weirdly reminds me of sensei. Just then, the zabuza in front of me turned into water and I caught the sword before it hit the ground.

I turned my attention to the main fight as Sparks flew everywhere. They looked evenly matched till zabuza was falling behind. It was his huge sword against sensei's kunai. sensei had won and was about to kill him when he suddenly stopped. Zabuza did look dead but the blow had not been dealt yet.

"What happened, you didn't do the finishing blow yet?" Sai asked.

"Ah, thank you for weakening him. I've been on him for weeks." a boy about our age wearing an anbu mask said, "I will take my leave." he vanished with the body.

That was strange, why the hurry to leave? We left again for Tezunas house. It was getting dark when we arrived. We were greeted by the old man's daughter. Had dinner then went to our sleeping arrangements.

Naruto Sensei Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα