Chapter 1

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons, sad attempt at comedy, favouritism, possible memes,

Characters: Japan, France, Spain, America, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Taiwan, England, Scotland, Canada, Wales

Slanted means that it's being read.

Edit: changed dialogue format.


Chapter 1

"Oh. It seems.. That this is a diary entry."

"Who's is it mi amigo?" Spain asked his fellow member of the BTT.

"It seems to be... Japans." France concluded looking in the direction of the Asian nation. Japan shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of all the nations staring at him. The room was completely silent until:

"You own a diary Keeks?" the American asked surprised.

"Well, it helps me keep track of certain events, thoughts or... ideas.." Japan replied, the last part of the sentence was said in a somewhat ominous tone. Hungary nodded to herself from her seat next to Austria.

"Well then, Japan, if I may...?" France asked awkwardly. Even though he'd read some nations diaries before, he never had to read them in front of them.

"..No use postponing the inevitable, go ahead France-kun." Japan said quietly.

"Okay, I woke up at 6:00 am today, today is my day of. I've got not much to do. I could visit Germany-kun and Italy-kun, but even though we still talk during meetings, we have grown apart. Germany-kun and Italy -kun are still close to each other, but not so much to me. I'm thinking of calling America, even though he's loud. Because sometimes it's better to spent time with someone while out of your comfort zone, then being alone at home. ....But on the other hand, I could just stay home and relax... I can hang out with America some other time. -Kiku"

"Awhhh... Keeks, you could have come over! We could've played some Mario Kart!!"

"I know America-kun, but as I wrote.. I decided to stay home."

"Ve~! Japan! Don't feel that way about me and Germany! All of us are still best friends!" Pasta boi stated as he hugged his Japanese friend who tried to gently push him off.

"Ja, Italy is right.. even though we don't talk much you can still come over to hang out."

"Arigato Germany-kun, but I'm really fine now. I've made some new friends, but I might take you up on that offer, but could my friends join me?" Japan asked calmly glancing over at Hungary and Taiwan, of which one of them was chanting "GerIta" over and over.

"Oh..! Ja I see no issue."

Everyone, concluding that the interaction was over, turned and glanced at France waiting for him to continue.

France cleared his throat and glanced over the page, his face turning to one of confusion.

"Frog, what's the hold up?" England asked impatiently.

"Um.. it seems to be a letter?" France stated awkwardly.

"Who cares?! Just read the damned thing!" England burst out with anger.

"Woah Iggy! Calm down!"

"I AM CALM!" the Brit yelled before sitting down in his chair. Scotland, who was sitting next to him snorted at his ungentlemanly behaviour.

"Dear Alfred.

You are an idiot. A stupid, mean, irresponsible idiot. You think you're so good at everything? Well then you are blind. There are many country's better then you at many things. MANY. Yet, you claim to be the best?! HOW DUMB CAN YOU GET?!
You might be wondering: "Why won't the person who's writing this just come forward and talk like a man?". Well Alfred F. Jones, cause said person is so annoyed that they would bash your head into the ground with a hockey stick if they laid eyes on you!
Now. The moral of the story is: don't go around telling people they won cause of pity, or you will end up having more enemy's then friends.
P.S. You suck at hockey.
- Matthew...."

The room was quiet, mostly confused. No one knew who this 'Matthew' person was.

"I suppose that's reasonable Matt, no one should insult your hockey." Wales stated turning back to, what people perceived as, an empty chair. Most people shrugged it off, while others got whiplash when they heard someone quietly say "Thanks Uncle Dylan..".

"Germany.. don't you think it's time for a break?" France asked, wanting to have a talk with England who seemed more agitated then usual.

"Hm.. Ja. Everyone meet back up in 20 minutes!"

Most people left the room, leaving behind only: Denmark, Norway, Spain, Romano and Canada.


Notes: People's point of view will be starting next chapter.

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