Chapter 13

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama, grammar/spelling mistakes

Characters: America, Russia,

Info: As you probably realise this is friendship development time, as well as time to set up scenarios for future chapters. This is a chapter developing America and Russia to friend status.

Note: Oh hi. I am still comiting the exist.


Russia sat in the armchair as America was sprawled across the couch, humming some tune under his breath. Russia eyed his roommate with concern.

"Alfred?" He asked, his emotions seeping through into his words. America seemed to snap out of whatever daydream he was having and stared at Russia.

"Yeah? What's up dude?" He responded casually, clearly not reading the atmosphere. "You need something?" Russia furrowed his brows at how calmly America was talking.

"I just wanted to check if you're alright." He said in a slightly uncertain voice. He wasn't sure if asking if someone was alright was okay to do at this step of their friendship. He'd never become... friends? with someone who he used to hate. His relationships usually went the other way around.

"Oh, yeah. I'm good, why're you asking?" He responded and reached over grabbing his can of coca cola (not sponsored) from the table. He raised an eyebrow while taking a sip.

"Well.. Mathew is someone you considered a brother...correct? It must've been shocking to hear you aren't related." He tried imagining how he would feel if he were in the same situation, but all he ended up doing is getting even more scared of Belarus.

"Okay, first thing first, Mathew is someone I consider a brother, present tense, I still do. And yeah it was a bit surprising, but he does have that room dedicated to only viking stuff in his house, but y'know, most countries have weird rooms in their houses. Anyway, it makes sense. And I'll be honest the only issue I have with it, is that now he is definitely older than me. As before I could say that I'm the older one, even by some days and people would believe me." America finished and took another swig of his cola while maintaining direct eye contact with Russia, who felt slightly uncomfortable about the action.

"..That's good to know Alfred--" Before Russia could finish his sentence America interrupted him.

"But how come you're bringing this up? Are you trying to distract me from talking about what happened last night?"

Less then a second after this statement was said two thud's were heard: one from outside their window, followed by a person falling off the roof, screeching in a banshee like voice: "BROTHER!". The other was outside they're door and was followed by some intense pen on paper noises.

America looked at the door with confusion considering the fact that anyone could have guessed who was outside their window, he didn't bother checking. Russia's face was slightly pink as he held his face in his hands.

"Alfred." He said and took a deep breath. "You are aware how that sounded?"

"What do you-- Get your mind out of the gutter! I was talking about your insane monopoly skills! Weirdo." America shook his head, a light red tint on his cheeks. "More importantly who's outside our door?"

"And why did they hear us? I thought the rooms were soundproof?" Russia added on.

"Oh I left our door ajar." America looked him dead in the eyes with a flat expression, before walking to the door, opening it fully and looking around the hallway, only to see the silhouette of his Japanese friend. "What was Keeks doing up here..?" He asked under his breath.

"Alfred!" Russia yelled to America, despite the other being a mere four steps away. America shut the door and sat back down on the couch. "Yeah?" he asked.

"Why did you leave the door open Alfred?" Russia asked with confusion and slight frustration in his voice.

"Jeez, if I wanted to be told off I would've just gone to see Iggy." He said and rolled his eyes. "Last night, after monopoly - which we're still gonna talk about by the way! - I needed a midnight snack. And I was really craving pickles. Which - for some reason - we do not have! So I went to the room next door to check and there were some. But when I came back in I just pushed the door so as to close it. Needles to say, it didn't close all the way. But at that point I had already walked to the bedroom door and didn't feel like going back. So I didn't close it."

"Alfred, you are aware that my sister could've gotten in?" Russia said, attempting to keep his resolve about being frustrated about the open door.

"You and I both know she could've gotten in either way." America once more responded with a deadpan tone.

"Well, I guess you're right... but," At this point Russia had given up on being angry and just smiled. "Pickles? What're you? A pregnant woman?" He let out a quiet giggle as America let out an indignant squawk.

"Hey! You can't stop a late night craving!" He said before pouting on the couch.

"Da, da. I guess you're right." He responded shaking his head.

"But Ivan, don't think I've forgotten about monopoly! Next time I'm playing teams I'm inviting you over." America stated leaving no room for argument, not that anyone currently in the room would even dream of it.

"That's fine with me. I could use a distraction." Russia smiled at the other.

"Yeah.. most people probably could use one..." America said, his voice betraying the fact he came up with an idea.

"What are you planning?" Russia responded glaring at the other playfully. America took a deep breath and jumped off the couch.

"I - as the hero - shall provide a necessary distraction!" He yelled while standing in a heroic pose.

"And how do you plan to do that товарищ?" Russia asked both curious and entertained.

"Well we could- what did you just call me?" America flew off his train of thought, confusion etched into his face.

"Oh, товарищ means comrade." He responded. America nodded his head and regained his subject.

"Anyway, I think a paintball fight should do the trick!"

"Fighting? How would fighting help? Wouldn't it just get everyone more frustrated at each other?"

"Not if we do it correctly. One, it should be a team survival." America began pacing the room. "Plan the teams out, but say they were random. And--"

"Wouldn't that just be lying to them?" Russia asked, concerned. "Wouldn't it be better to actually randomize it?"

"No. Definitely not. Let's say Romano and Spain end up together, y'know the fight they had, neither of them would enjoy it. But if they're on opposite teams then Romano can get his anger out and Spain can later make amends. And some other people need some bonding time. So we should plan it out. Though the people that don't really have someone specific they need to fight or get along with can be random I guess. The paintball fight itself should probably last two days." A moment of silence followed America's speech.

"..How long did you think about this товарищ?" Russia said, baffled.

"Oh, just came up with it! It's an amazing plan isn't it." He replied with a cheeky grin on his face.

"It's good. Though we would have to work out the details during a meeting." Russia said, already looking forward to the event.

"Great! And plus, it's not like the game will make anything worse." America finished the conversation and walked into the kitchen to make himself a sandwich.


Note: To the people who still like this book: I'm sorry I don't make chapters as often. But  my creativity is currenlty kinda dead and I need to take care of some scolarship work. Thank you for reading. See you in the comments or the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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