Chapter 10

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama, grammar mistakes

Characters: Belgium,  Prussia/Gilbert, Matthew/Canada, Norway

Info: ----------

Note: Blip Blop.


Chapter 10

Belgium cleared her throat. And said with an awkward smile:

"Alright. I'll start reading the next one!"

She flipped to the next page and quickly skimmed it over, a delicate frown forming on her face. "I guess a funny chapter isn't an option.." she muttered under her breath. "Prussia, this one's yours." She turned toward him.

"Oh mein gott.. This is, like what.. the third one I've gotten?!" He slumped on the table, muttering curses under his breath, along with some accusations. Germany looked over at his brother, slightly annoyed.

" Dear 'awesome'  journal of mine. Day after day, month after month... I feel as though I am being forgotten. Yes I have friends and family. But they're already in other friend  groups and have their own family. I feel like I'm just background. West spends most of his time with Italy, Hungary with Austria or South, France with England and Spain with South and or  Mexico. I just want someone to hang out with, to have inside jokes with them. Someone that I can visit uninvited and not get complained about. I really need someone like that.. -Gilbert/Prussia"

By the time the entry was over Prussia had gotten up from his chair and walked over the door.

"I need a moment." He said and walked out of the room. Germany sucked his breath in and got ready to say something before being cut off.

"I'll go after him. Don't wait up for us!" Canada said and rushed out the door. With two nations out of the room it felt odd to continue reading, but none the less Belgium scanned the next page and continued reading.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Prussia entered a random meeting room. One of the ones that have been left to rot in the far side of the building. A few years back they had a world meeting in said room, dust was everywhere. He walked over to a window and proceeded to pry it open, it must have gotten stuck and rusty after a couple of years of lack of maintenance. The moment he did the dust in the room lifted and he started coughing.

"D-damn.. Well-- that's really some--thing!" He said stuffing his mouth and nose into his sleeve. "You know-- Never-r expected West-t to leave th--is place in such disrepair.." He laughed quietly to himself. Trying to comfort himself using jokes. He moved some dust to the side using his shoe and sat down in that place, thinking nothing in particular. Well.. until..

"A..AchOO!!!" followed by a sniffing sound from the door. Prussia leaned over to see Canada leaning against the table. "U-Uhh.. Prussia?! Are you-- in here?" He covered his nose with his arm.

"Yeah, I'm here." Prussia responded, his voice quiet, a contrast to his usual energetic and happy tone. "But, wh-what are you doing here?"

"Well-- you kinda left the m-meeting room in a hu-hurry so if followed to check if yo-you where oKA-- ACHOO!" Canada said, constantly interrupting himself with sniffles and sneezes. Prussia seemed to brighten up a bit and got off the ground.

"The better question is... are-e you okay? I'm sniffling a b-bit, but geez. YOU'RE FULL ON SNEEZING!!" He wiped his nose on tissue  and chuckled. His mood seeming way better. "If you wanna talk with the awesome me-e, then how about we leave and talk o-outside." He walked out the door and Canada followed him.

"So, are you alright?" Worry laced in his words, as he repeated his question.

"Yeah, I'm fine. As I said, I just needed a breather. I wasn't really sad, just, you know...." Prussia said off handedly.  Canada gave him a look, as if he was trying to say 'really?'. The former groaned and leaned against the wall. "No, seriously! I'm fine, that was a while ago. Before the awesome trio was formed. It was a bad time for me. I was just kinda reminiscing about that time. I usually tend to ignore anything sad that happened in the past." A semi goofy smile had appeared on his face while speaking, but his voice was slightly laced with irritation, clearly wanting the topic to be left the rot, just like the room they're standing next to. Canada sensing this quickly changed to topic to something a bit lighter.

"Ah.. Hey is it just me or has your suit gotten more gray?"

Prussia looked down at his suit and brushed the dust off, which resulted in a cloud of dust forming around them. Canada started sneezing again and the two off them moved to the other side of the corridor.

"So Canada-" He started before getting interrupted

"You can call me by my name you know.."

"Ah, yeah. I forgot about that part. The names Gilbert or Gil for short- didn't we go over this already? AnyWAY! Shouldn't we get back to the meeting? We shouldn't keep them waiting for too long!" Prussia animatedly stated. Canada's face turned red for a second in embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry. I told them to not wait for us. It's been a while and it's getting kinda dark, so i think the meeting may be over by now. Sorry."

"Well, that's fine. Honestly, I'm kinda tired. I'll just head to my room, might play some games with Mathias. See ya!" He said and and walked town the corridor heading in the direction of his room. Canada turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction, towards a staircase. He headed up to floor five  and started to walk towards his room.

He noticed that a lot of the meeting rooms in the area had been transformed to something else. A bouncy castle room, a mirror maze, a training gym. Everything was covered in dust. It took him a few minutes to get to his room.

Canada used his key to unlock the door and walked in. He heard Norway call him over to the living room.

Norway was sitting on the left side of the couch. He looked troubled and slightly sad. He pointed over to the armchair and said:

"Sit down, we need to talk."


Note: Have fun with that cliffhanger.

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