Chapter 3

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons, favouritism, google translate, human names, drama

Characters: Germany, Italy/Feliciano, Spain, America, England, France, Russia/Ivan, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, China/Yao, Norway/Lukas, Canada, Japan

Info: Human names are used because the Ancients said so. ( Mom said it's my turn on the human name)

Slanted means that it's being read.

Note: If you see any spelling mistakes please comment! Any tips or criticism is appreciated!


Chapter 3

- Alright everyone! The meeting continues!- Germany stated glancing across the room to find that everyone had arrived back.  A sigh escaped his lips as he looked at his sleeping Italian friend next to him. He then took a deep breath and yelled as loudly as he possibly could:

- If everyone's ready, let's start READING! - which woke up Italy, but also...


Silence dragged through the room as most stared at the nation that screeched like a banshee. Said nation was Spain. Who still looked petrified and as if he where trying to sink into himself. Which most nations (America excluded) would have done, if they had been sitting in his position. Because honestly, what nation would be happy sitting between Russia and Belarus, even France seemed to be inching away from the big brother obsessed Belarus that sat in the seat beside him. Germany cleared his throat and started speaking quieter, not wanting any more jumpy nations to start screaming.

- Okay, so who can continue reading the book? Unless France wishes to..

-The HERO will! - America yelled startling Spain.

The book was passed to America.

- This diary entry is from.. the Ancients?? I thought this book was about our diaries? - A sea of quiet murmurs erupted across the room, most insulting America. Something along the lines of: "Since when can he think?", until England interrupted.

- It's probably a note from them, America.. - which made France look at him with some concern. After all, England would usually be rude to America, not... like this. His voice almost seemed sad, but the look on his face looked to be in deep thought.

- Oh.. you're right.. Thanks Iggy! Dear Nations, we wish to request that you use your human names to address each other from now on, as it is much easier to distance yourselves from everything when using country names. Thank you. The Ancients.   Soo.. should we just introduce ourselves or what?

- Nein, when talking to someone let's just ask for their human names. Continue reading America.

- ALRIGHT THEN! So this one's by Russia..- Russia straightened his back and stared intensely at the book. - Dear Diary, I don't understand.. why does no one want to be my friend? Yes there's Lithuania.. but he always seems to be somewhat scared of me. I know I sometimes threaten people, but I know from past experience that they wont listen do me otherwise. I don't want people being mean to me, but I also don't always want them to be scared. Others like America can make many friends, yet I can't even make one. They're either scared of me, hate me, or scare me. It's lonely.. Ivan/Russia

- Da.. It is very lonely.. - Russia, now known as Ivan, looked down.

- Dude.. like you know, even if I hate you, it doesn't mean that I hate you, you know? - most looked strangely at America, considering the monstrosity of a sentence he just created. - Ugh.. Like I mean, even though you're a commie, you can talk to me. And one day, if you choose to be a freedom seeking capitalist, we can be friends! - Ivan smiled at America, a lot of people where muttering something, while Lithuania said something about Poland possessing America, and Poland saying " Like, no way, I'm like, never wearing that coat with those shoes, like, do you even know me Tolys?"

- Da, thank you comrade, but I guess we will never be friends. - the message was clear, an American Russia was a no-no.

- But, dude, who was "the person who scares you"? - Ivan proceeded to look to his side a bit, the nations following the direction in which he looked at, saw the one who scares 'the mighty Mother Russia'. And thus the whole world had a collective moment of looking at Belarus.

America coughed awkwardly and turned the page.

- It's.. um.. Italy's, should I read it with the weird sounds as well? - America stated still recovering from the small bonding moment with the rest of the world.

- Amerique, just read everything it says. - France, who now was sitting much closer to England (and MUCH farther from Belarus) then before, said.

- OKAY! Dear Diary! Ve! Today I visited Germany! Though he had no pasta it was still fun, VE! Germany's nice, VE! Feliciano/North Italy. - America read the whole thing making each "Ve!" louder. So at the last one he basically screeched it. Causing a few nations to laugh.

- Ve~! I do not sound like that! Right Germany..? - Feliciano said looking slightly upset.

- Just continue reading America. - Germany said not looking at the pasta boi.

America skimmed over the page and then, with fear and slight sadness in his eyes looked at China.

- Not cool dude.. - China looked back at him confused. - Okay, My Journal, I swear to god, if America doesn't pay up his debt soon I will summon a ghost to haunt him, I SWEAR! Yao/China

A bunch of nations starting laughing at the fact that America seemed so genuinely upset by such a childish threat. The mood in the room had been lifted. After that moment most didn't listen to the next entry. Which America read not really paying any mind to it, since it was 'short' and 'couldn't possibly be important'.

- XX.XX.1000, I'm teaching Matt how to wield and axe today, he's been doing good with the swords but he always seems interested in the axe's more. Lukas/Norway.

Even though the entry itself had nothing sad in it, the nostalgia by itself brought two nations to tears, while the others laughed and chatted. As one gazed at the table, not wanting to show others his sadness, the other looked straight ahead, trying to repress the memories.

After said entry the meeting started  to seem just like a happy bundle of sunshine, except a few nations - England and France, the latter seemed to be worried for the first, Spain, who was scared, Romano, who was angry at Spain, Belarus, who never really seemed to be normally happy, and the aforementioned two.

As about thirty minutes past of the light hearted humour, and banter, something smacked America in the face. America quickly took it of it's face. After a moment of investigating it, noting the fact that it seemed be a bunch of words forming sentences on a piece of paper and that it was singed by the Ancients and at the beginning was "Dear Nations", he concluded that it was a note to all the Nations. He cleared his voice and turned away from Japan, who he happened to be talking to, and said:

- Yo Guys! I've got a note from the Ancients! Alright, so.. Dear Nations, since we realised it's getting  dark out and some of you may wish to retire to bed. We inform you that all your luggage has been moved to new rooms, to better fit you. You may find that you're in a room with someone you hate, or don't really have a close relationship to, but we inform you. This is all planned. You should try your best to interact with the person. With certain people the other is for emotional support, with others it's to sort out a situation. Your country names will be on doors. The Ancients. Holy heck that was long... - America finished taking a deep breath. After the announcement a lot of people headed to find their room. The main reactions to finding out who their roomate is, was usually anger, joy, confusion, or sadness.

But soon enough they'd all learn it's for the best.


Note: Hey guys! If you have any head-cannons you like, or ships, you can comment them, and I'll most likely somehow insert them in the story! ( Though if it's a head-cannon about who's Vinland, then I just want to say: I've already have a head-cannon for that.) Thanks for reading!

Also I'm considering adding RusAme.. should I?

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