Chapter 8

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama, grammar mistakes

Characters: South Italy, North Italy, Denmark, Norway, Spain, Canada, Prussia

Info: ----------

Note: Sorry I took so long, I was going through some stuff.


Chapter 8

Lovino stormed out of the room ignoring Feliciano's calls. But when he arrived at the cafeteria, he felt a tug on his arm. Spinning around he came face to face with the other Italian.

- What. - South Italy asked the other in a tone of voice that would usually scare him off.

- Fratello. Why would you write such a thing? People don't compare us.. - North Italy said, furrowing his brows.

- Really?! - Lovino yelled, his voice cracking. - You HAVE to be kidding me. Are you blind or something? Maybe if you opened your eyes for once you'd see it.

- But, Lovi, we're both good in different ways... I'm sure people see that.

- Oh.. really now? - Romano said, tears threatening to spill. - Well then. Tell me one good thing about me.

- Well.. you're.. uhh...

At this point a few nations gathered around the two. Feliciano continued to stumble through his words. If he where to be completely honest with himself, at this moment he would realize that he truly didn't know his 'brother' all that well. If anything he knew more about his own friends then his 'fratello'.

- .... I don't know.

At this point most of the small group expected Romano to start yelling at his brother. But instead, he just sighed  and left the room, leaving everyone, except Hungary, stunned, who then followed Romano to his room.

Elizabeta caught up to Lovino and nudged him on the shoulder, and awkward smile on her face she waved at him shyly. Romano calming down at the sight of his friend, let out a sigh of relief. The two walked side by side till they reached his room. Sitting down on the couch, Hungary started the conversation by asking:

- Would you like me to call Greece?

- Yeah, tell Heracles that we're on floor three.

- Mhm. - Hungary pulled out her phone and proceeded to call the Mediterranean nation.

In the meeting room

Norway sat in his seat after break was called. He had taken out a piece of paper and started writing. He was trying to figure out the issue of Canada's magic. To be completely honest, it didn't sit well with him. For someone who has never used their magic consciously, to start using it subconsciously.. And the way he denied having magic.. It all didn't sit right with him. He continued to jot down anything that came to mind until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

- Hey.. Um.. Nor, I hope you're not mad about yesterdays break.. you never came to join us. And you didn't even come over to Ice's room to bug him about anything.. You okay?

Norway was a bit shocked about the amount of worry the other was showing. He guessed he did act a bit out of character.

- Stupid Dane. You shouldn't worry over such things. I just found another magic user, which is quite amazing, is it not?

- Oh my gosh.. I was actually worried I did something horribly wrong. - Denmark breathed out a sigh of relief and sat down on the chair next to Norway. - Anywayy.. have any idea why Fin randomly started giggling during the meeting?

- No why would I? I was sitting across the room. - Norway cleaned up his desk a bit and put the book in front of someone else's seat. - I'm going to go eat, are you coming?

- YEP!

Denmark yelled shooting up from his seat and running after the Norwegian.

Spain's p.o.v.

The garden here is a really serene place. I guess some meeting places really can be nice..

. . .

Roma and Feli just had an argument. Normally I would go comfort Italy or talk to Roma.. but.. I can't even bring myself to say anything to Lovi.. Hearing that entry.. Knowing some of those thing apply to me.. And hearing the way that argument went..

Honestly, it kinda made me want to interject, I don't like seeing people I'd consider family sad. But I don't have any room to talk.  That little argument we had, I really shouldn't have said that..

I continue to sit in a corner of the garden, surrounded by hedges. 

I hear a yell of awe from not so far away. I poke my head through the bushes attempting to get a look at whatever caused the person to make that sound.

I really can't express how amazing it looks.. everything.. all the flowers are blooming.. the leaves are a bright green..

- ..pell was created in case of a harvest going extremely wrong.... right..?

- HELL YEAH! IT'S AWESOME! - I recognised the voice of my Prussian friend. I moved a bit closer to them, getting intrigued by their conversation. - You can bring things back to life.. so cool..

- Uhh.. no. The spell needs at least half of the plant to be alive.. It's for if a harvest goes wrong, so if the animals eat the food or the food gets ruined we can use the crops again with a much higher chance of success , it isn't that cool.

- Nah-uh. The awesome me says it's awesome, so it must be so. What other spells do you know?

- Well.. I know the spell I just show you.. a fire spell.. and the basics of a teleportation spell and well.. I guess an invisibility spell?

- I wanna see the fire spell. - Prussia said in such a flat and serious tone. The guy he was talking to seemed to get nervous

- Uh, maybe later, you know, when we aren't surrounded by flammable objects.

- Fine. I think we should head back to the meeting anyway.

- Yeah let's go.

The two left and I got up and brushed off any dirt that might have gotten on my clothes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As the last few countries entered the meeting room and the clock strikes 15:20, the meeting continued. And unbeknownst to most of them, that meant the end of hiding under tables for a certain group.


Note: So.. I'm thinking that at the ends of chapters I could make a little QnA thing. Basically you can ask me anything about the book or me and I will answer to the best of my abilities, is that a good idea?

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