Chapter 6

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Warnings: Japans diary entry is suggestive.  OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama

Characters: America, Japan, Romano, Canada, Germany, Finland, Norway, Poland, Lithuania

Info: ------------

Note: Road work ahead?


Chapter 6

As the night passed and silence draped over the building, one sound could be heard from one of the meeting rooms. The sound of turning pages. As if someone was looking for something in a book. A hushed voice whispered out the names of people who wrote the entries.. " Yao, Gilbert.. Ludwig...". The voice read on until he saw three entries that spiked it's interest. The entries written by three personifications. The persons eyes dimmed as his ever present frown deepened. Those three entries contained two secrets they were hoping wouldn't come up. The personification shut the book and left the room muttering swearwords under their breath.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Around noon the nation all met up in the meeting room, some more reluctant then others. Most nations seemed to be in deep thought or chatting lightly amongst themselves. An example of the latter was America and Japan.

- Alfred~kun, are you alright? You look tired.. - Kiku said with a hint of curiosity.

- Well, I'm roommates with Ivan and apparently his sister is more psycho then previously expected so we had to move rooms. - Alfred explained yawning at the end. Yet it seems as though Kiku had stopped listening after Alfred said "roommates with Ivan" because he now seemed to be jotting down something in a small journal with a blush on his face.

Alfred was about to get up to ask Ivan if they should install some traps into their room, but Germany interrupted that action.

- Everyone! Does anyone know where the book is?

- Ah, mon ami it's right here! - France said passing the book over to Germany. Germany picked up the book and looked back at France with furrowed eyebrows.

- Did you move seats? - Germany asked noting that France was now sitting next to England and that there was a big empty space next Belarus.

- Qui. I did. -  France said quickly.

- Alright, well then. Who wants to read?

- I would like to. - A quiet but determined sounding voice responded. Germany turned and saw the purple eyed nation who said it. Most people in the room asked others questions like "Who's that?"  while others either waved or shouted something about a sidekick.

- A-Ah.... Here y-you go... - Germany said quietly sliding the book over the the nation, seemingly not wanting to get too close. While most looked confusedly at said action, Prussia started giggling.

Upon receiving the book Canada, opened the book on the page that was last read and started reading the next entry.

- Dear Diary. Today just happens to be my favourite day of the year, Christmas! I love giving people presents and seeing their joy. Most nations wish for something like a new pillow or a year supply of pasta, but there is always that one nation who asks for the same non-material thing. - At this Canada stopped reading for a second and smiled happily at Finland who returned the gesture. - Canada. Each year he asks for someone to spend Christmas with him. And so every year once I'm done with giving out presents I stop by his house and hang out a bit. Though something has been bothering me lately. Every time I seem to visit he reminds me of someone, but I'm not quite sure who though. I know it's not France, England nor America.. It's a very odd feeling. I really want to find out who he reminds me of. -Tino/Finland.

- Have you figured it out yet? - Canada said once he finished reading.

- No, unfortunately not. But I've been trying to figure out who.

- Well that's great! - Canada beamed, no one was quite sure why he did though. To be honest it freaked Germany out, who was now clinging onto Italy. Canada cleared his throat, scanned through the next entry and blushed a bit.

- E-Eh? - He said before re-reading the 'entry' in his head. He shook his head and re-read it once more.

- You okay Matt? - America asked.

- W-Well... I'm not sure if this is appropriate..

- The ancients wouldn't have given it to us if it were that bad.. - Norway piped in, furrowing his brows. Canada's face turned red as he started reading the page.

- H-He shoved his roommate onto the bed , who let out a small yelp of surprise, a predatory smile playing on his lips. He straddled the flushed boys lap as he leaned over and whispered in his ear----

Canada stopped reading as Japan let out a loud screech. Silence flooded the room as everyone stared at Japan. Japan coughed awkwardly and asked quietly for Canada to skip that one, who complied. Somewhere far away the ancients where laughing.

- Well then, this one's Poland's. Dear fabulous diary. Today was like, amazing. Cause I went over to visit my bestie, Tolys. I finally managed to get him to wear this super cute pink dress! He looked SO cute! But, unfortunately this girl, Belarus, stopped by, and Tolys left to talk to her for, like, half an hour! I was soo bored. EVENTUALLY she left. But Liet made it up to me by buying me this like, really nice red sweater. It's no dress, but it's comfy as hell. Feliks/Poland. - Canada read and slid the book over to Norway, who was sitting next to him for some reason.

- I remember that day... - Lithuania said smiling fondly.

- Yeah. It was pretty cool, anyway Tolys, I meant to ask you. What were you talking about with Belarus?

- Ah-h... Well lets talk about this during break, privately.

- Hm, Sure thing! - Poland responded happily.

Norway flipped the page, took a breath in and started to read, but..

-  Um, Norvege, Matthieu was just reading wasn't he? - France interrupted glancing over at the flushed Canadian.

- He passed me the book, I think he needs a moment to cool down, after... the second entry. - France nodded his head, understanding the situation, but at the same time promising himself to check out that entry when break starts.

- Well then, this entry is Prussia's..

In that moment, across the room, something clicked in a certain Finns head.


Note: Hey guys, I need a yes or no on this head-cannon. I know some people don't like it so...

Germany is HRE.

Yes or no?

Learning about ourselves (Hetalia)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ