Chapter 7

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Warnings: OOC-ness, lots of head canons,intense favouritism, google translate, human names, drama

Characters: Norway, Prussia, Germany, England

Info: ----------

Note: Blep.


Chapter 7

- Well then, this entry is Prussia's. Dear Awesome Journal of mine. Today was an awesome day, it was. But it no longer is. Why you may ask, What ruined the awesome Gilbert's day? West. And how perhaps is that possible? You see, most people would think that Feliciano is the dense one, that doesn't get it when someone flirt with him. But that ain't the case. Today I walked into a scene that belonged in a Disney movie, the pasta-dog one. By just looking at it you could see that Italian knew what he was doing. Like, really the scene was adorable, and I thought: "Maybe West will get some tonight..". But no. Just as the kiss would happen, West bit off his end of the spaghetti and got some more from the plate. That was just sad. Feliciano looked as if someone had just stabbed him in the back. The utter betrayal. I swear, I've already given West the talk, goddammit, the guys has those types of magazines under his bed, HOW DENSE CAN SOMEONE BE?!  I for one would have sensed the romantic atmosphere, but no. Ludwig had to pull an America and not sense it! I was so disappointed, it ruined the rest of my day. It was really  un-awesome West. -Gilbert/Prussia

Norway finished reading, returning his face to a look of neutrality.

- I'm still disappointed - Gilbert shook his head in shame.

- You... you.. saw THAT?! - Italy yelled in panic from his seat next to Germany, who's face was flushed.

- Feli, calm down, shouting wont get anyone anywhere.. - Francis interrupted, a uncomfortable smile on his face.

- Calm.. Calm?! I am calm! - Italy burst out in his panicky voice, sounding more cute then scary. Which made a few people laugh. The room quickly dissolving into jokes and banter, Germany was currently too distracted to ask everyone to be quiet.

+ + + + + + +

Canada nudged Norway's shoulder trying to get his attention.

- Huh? What is it? - Lukas said turning to look at Matthew.

- I just wanted to ask whose entry was next, if that's okay?

- Oh, alright, here you go - Norway responded, passing the book. - Also, when me Romania and England hold another meeting you should come with us. It would be best if you started training your magic.

Canada nodded his head and turned to the table to scan over the next entry. Once he finished, he glanced up and caught eye contact with South Italy, who was currently sitting next to Hungary. Romano facepalmed and started muttering under his breath, apparently already knowing what was going to be said.

Matthew moved the book back to Norway.

+ + + + + + +

Norway smacked his hand against the table, creating a loud 'thump' sound. Most of the room quieted down, realizing that the next entry was going to be read. Norway not wasting any time started reading.

- I understand, I really do. Feli is nice, kind, cute and I'm not, I get it. What I hate though is when people say in a conversation, that I should be more like him. They always do. They all treat me like a failed clone or something, like I need to correct myself to be more like him. No one says to Seborga that he should be more like Feli. No one tells Spain he should be more like Portugal. And I'm pretty sure no ones ever told Norway he should be more like Iceland, or the other way around. They all get treated like their own person, with their own problems, and their own lives. While I'm just "The mean one" or Feli's rude older brother. Me and him aren't even that close. We may have lived together in the same place for a while, but that doesn't mean we where treated equally. At least I have a Greece and Hungary, who help and support me. I am truly thankful for them. -Lovino/South Italy

A few people glanced down guiltily, while others looked questioningly at Greece and Hungary.

Romano stood up and headed for the exit.

- You bastards already started talking in the middle of this thing, so lets just call it a break. - He said and left the room, Italy running after him. Slowly people started flooding out of the room.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- HeY! BIRDIE WAIT UP! - Prussia yelled standing up from his seat, and chasing after the Canadian.

- Prussia? What's up? - Matthew said, turning around to look at Prussia.

- Call me Gilbert. AnyWAY, I didn't see you at the last meeting, you okay?

- Oh, I'm fine. I was actually accidentally using an invisibility spell on myself, which sounds silly out loud, but--

- Invisibility SPELL?! You can do MAGIC?! That's so awesome, wait, do you know any other spells?

Matthew remained strangely silent, seemingly being lost in thought.

- I don..... - Matthew went silent again, Gilbert gave him a worried look. The moment stretched out a bit longer, the silence being amplified by the fact that everyone except them had already left the meeting room. Suddenly Matthew said:

- Gilbert. If you had certain memories that bothered you so much that you tried to repress them. And it worked to some amount. But one day, all those memories where supposed to be revealed to the world, what would you do?

- W-Well... I suppose I would try my best to accept them. Like, If I had made any lies to cover up that past, I would slowly start to unravel them.. Why?

- Ah, no reason at all, just curious. But in that case.. I think I know a few more spells.. - He smiled shyly.

- Cool, Let's go...uh.. to the garden! I wanna see!


Note: Sorry if it's a bit short, but I find it easier to write chapters about breaks or such, since in them I cover more of the emotional side then anything. So I've got a list of ships I'm planning to Include in the story (Bold are ones which are staying in the story no matter what, Normal ones you can vote out, Italics are possible, but without anyone saying yes, wont include)











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